Page 17 of Justice

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I had River over the bar in a flash, glasses flying everywhere. “Wanna tell me that again?”

Mori tore over, flames wreathing his wrists. River shot up a hand to hold him back.

Hilarious. We all knew the only reason I had River by the throat was because he was letting me. I’d never come across a supe as lethal as him.

Which, given how many I’d slaughtered, was saying something.

“You can’t honestly have feelings for him,” River said, a knowing gleam in his eyes. “He’s human. Only good for feedings.”

I balked as he threw my previous sentiments back at me. “I don’t have feelings for him.”

“Reeeally,” River drawled the word. “Then explain this reaction.”

My teeth ground together. It felt odd to have my fangs hidden, but I hadn’t wanted to scare Matty. “Just…keep him safe. Okay?”

I let River go. I fought with myself for a moment before speaking again. “I’m not…pursuing Matty. You can rest assured about that. I have no intention of seducing him or anything of that nature.”

River studied me, seeing far more than I liked. “We all look out for Matty. Aside from our mates, he’s the most protected human in a thousand miles.”

I nodded curtly. I knew that, but for some reason I needed the reassurance.

Stalking away without saying another word to River, I made it all the way to the door before I caved.

I needed one more look at him.

Just one.

He was where he’d been before, but he wasn’t smiling or dancing. No, he was staring at my empty stool, his wide eyes bright with sadness.

It was a reminder of what was at stake here. It wasn’t my feelings that mattered, but Matty’s.

I couldn’t let him fall for me.

Not when it’d end with me breaking his heart.

For several days I mulled over the best way to get the information I needed.

It made sense to approach Ferry rather than Leo, but if Ferry knew who’d hurt Matty, he would’ve killed him already. There was no way he would’ve left the fucker living knowing he’d hurt someone close to his mate.

And he wasn’t dead. I knew that in my gut. I’d watched Matty in the club before I’d made my presence known. Long enough to see his smile slip more than once. For him to glance around like he was searching the crowd for danger. To hear the hurried exchange between him and his friend and wonder what had prompted it.

“You never used to fuss over us like this.”

It had seemed like such an innocuous statement at the time, as had Matty’s behaviour leading up to that moment. Humans needed to be aware of their surroundings at all times.

Coupled with what had happened after I’d approached him though, it all made sense.

Matty had been hurt. Part of him believed that person might reappear and do it again. Or perhaps, that someone else might do the same.

That wouldn’t happen though. Not with his little group of supernatural bodyguards.

It was frustrating that Matty believed them all to be human. Perhaps if he knew how well protected he was, he might not carry so much fear around.

If Ferry hadn’t killed the man responsible, that meant either he didn’t know the full story, or Leo had asked him not to. If the latter was true, it was unlikely Ferry would give me the information I needed.

Which meant it was Leo himself I needed to speak to.

Ideally, without his demon mate at his side, since all the supes in their circle were wary of me—rightly so, given my past behaviour and natural inclination to stab instead of talk.
