Page 179 of Justice

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“Sebastian…” His name was a long whine of need as my opening softened for him.

His response was to push his tongue past that ring of muscle, his movements mimicking the way his cock thrust inside me.

I flew up onto my elbows, my eyes rolling back in my head as I began to babble. “Seb, oh my god, that’s it. Oh, I can’t…please. Yes. Sebastian.”

I wasn’t even making sense, but I couldn’t stop. My whole body was tingling, my nerve endings practically on fire from what he was doing to me.

It had never felt like this before. Like all my need and lust had been wound into a coil, pulling tighter and tighter, knowing the explosion would be earth shattering.

It took me a while to realise why it felt so different.

I wasn’t just feeling my lust.

I was feeling Seb’s too.

Every zing of pleasure I felt was echoed back by Sebastian—a never-ending loop of feedback unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

Sebastian grabbed my cock. It took barely two strokes before I was spilling over his hand.

I fell forward on my arms again, gasping for air, sweat running down my face like I’d run a marathon.

And we weren’t done. Sebastian’s face was still buried between my cheeks, his tongue attacking me like he was starving. As the sound of my blood rushing in my ears calmed, I heard the tell-tale sound of his hand flying over his own cock. He growled, his fangs grazing the inside of my cheek.

And just like that, it felt like I was coming again as Sebastian’s orgasm hit the bond.

Maybe I did come again. Whatever happened, it was enough to make me black out.

When I stirred, we were cuddled up on the bed, buried under layers of fluffy blankets. I peered up at Sebastian groggily.

“Hey, sleepyhead.” He grinned down at me before dropping a minty-fresh kiss on my lips. “I don’t know whether to be insulted or flattered that you keep falling asleep after sex.”

“Flattered,” I reassured him with a yawn, stretching languidly. “Sorry. I think I’m still catching up on sleep.”

Guilt twinged down the bond. “Nope, we’re not doing that.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Sebastian protested.

“You didn’t have to.” I kissed him briefly before grinning mischievously. “Anyway, I could use another nap.”

Sebastian’s lips twitched in amusement. “Oh, you could, could you?”

“Yep.” I leapt out of bed, grabbing what I needed from my bag before jumping back under the covers. “Cheese and rice, it’s cold out there.”

“Here,” Sebastian said huskily, taking the lube from me. “Let me warm you up.”

Warm and Sebastian weren’t words that should go together, given how cold he ran, but once he started using his hands and mouth on me, I was positively burning.

The blankets fell to the floor as we writhed between the sheets. Our lips barely parted as we rutted against each other, clawing at one another like it could somehow bring us closer.

At some point, Sebastian located the lube again and prepped me.

I was flying so high—impossibly so given I’d come once already. Had I inherited Sebastian’s stamina along with his other strengths?

I hoped that was the case. Think of all the fun we’d have.

“How do you want me?” Sebastian panted, his lips swollen.

“Like this,” I whispered, pulling him over me. “I want you surrounding me. Pinning me down and holding me tight.”
