Page 181 of Justice

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“Even though I snore?”

“They are the cutest snores.”

I smiled against his chest. “You think everything I do is cute.”

“You’re not wrong there.”

He wrapped his arms around me, securing me in place, and I’d never felt more safe.

I was almost asleep when an errant thought hit me. I giggled, the absurdity of it tickling me.

“What’s got you laughing?” Sebastian asked, stroking his hand down my back.

“Remember the list of what I was looking for in a man?”

“I do.” He snorted. “You wanted someone safe. Predictable. Sensible. Reliable. Unfortunately for you, you’re stuck with me.”

I glared up at him, making him smirk. “Don’t be mean to yourself, I don’t like it. Besides, I was laughing because I kinda did get most of what I was looking for.”

Sebastian’s eyes shone with amusement. “Enlighten me, because I’m certain those are four adjectives that no one else would apply to me.”

“Well, you keep me safe.”

“Okay, that one I’ll give you.”

“You’re reliable. I don’t believe you’ll ever let me down again.”

His gaze turned solemn. “No, sunshine. Never.”

“You’re sensible. I doubt you’ll ever let me go bungee jumping or anything like that.”

“There’s no logical reason why you couldn’t. You’re as immortal as I am now, so…” He broke off with a wince. “Actually, nope. Scratch that. I just pictured it and there’s no way in hell you’re doing anything like that. Unless you really want to, of course.”

“See? That’s three out of four.”

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. But I’m not predictable.”

“No, you’re not.” I leaned up on my forearms, smiling. “I love that about you. You were right when you said those weren’t the things I needed. Well, not the only things, anyway.”

He gave me a half smile. “Still not sure you’re getting the better deal of it with me.”

I nipped at his chin, making him bark a laugh at my ineffective teeth. “Stop that. I swear, Seb, I’m going to get you loving yourself even if it takes decades.”

He rolled us over so he was hovering over me again. “If it helps, I’ve come a long way since meeting you. I don’t….I don’t hate myself anymore. I figure, if you can find something in me to love, then I can too.”

“I’m glad I held out for you,” I whispered, reaching up to cup his face. “You told me once that I deserved everything. And that’s what you are to me. Everything.”

“No, sunshine. That’s what you are to me. And I’d go through every day of darkness again and again if it meant finding you at the end of it.”

I smiled up at him, this beautiful man who was all mine. Who’d been through the unthinkable and was still capable of love, even if he didn’t always believe it. “You’re the one I love. The one I choose. Always.”

Epilogue - Sebastian


Ipinned the end of the birthday banner in place, wincing when an almighty crash echoed from the kitchen.

“I swear to fucking god, if any of you twats ruin this before Matty even sees it, I’m going to castrate each and every one of you.”
