Page 19 of Justice

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Leo lifted his phone. “This. Matty made me install the Find My Friends app so he’d know when I’d been called out to a fire. Located the right house and kicked the door down.”

“Why didn’t you call the police?”

There was a gleam in Leo’s eye. One I recognised from my own reflection. “I wanted justice. A kind the police aren’t guaranteed to deliver.”

My respect for Ferry’s mate increased. “I trust you got it?”

Leo cracked his knuckles. “I went there just planning to threaten him a little. Knock him about for scaring Matty. But then I saw Matty and…” His voice trailed off as my brain began screaming. It was a noise I hadn’t heard in a very long time. “I couldn’t stop myself. I beat the fucker to within an inch of his life. I only stopped because Matty begged me.”

That was fine. I didn’t need to stop. No amount of begging, even from Matty, would save the fucker. “I need his address.”

Leo jolted. “No. I promised Matty it was dealt with and nothing more would come from it. We’re lucky he never reported it.”

Both Danny and I snorted. With Ferry in his life now, that wasn’t something to worry about.

“He’s still breathing, so it’s not ‘dealt with.’” I folded my arms over my chest. “His name. Now.”

Danny stepped closer to Leo, dropping his voice low like I couldn’t hear. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“Matty asked me not to,” he repeated, before glaring back at me. “I don’t understand how you even know about this.”

I tapped my fingers on my arm, deliberating how much I should reveal. “I spoke to Matty at The Closet last night. Something I said caused an….unexpected reaction.”

“Did you upset him?” Leo’s nostrils flared as he stepped forward.

In the distance, I could hear wings on the air. “Inadvertently. And now that I know he was hurt, I need to fix it. I need justice for him.”

“But why?” Leo asked in disbelief, his eyes searching mine. “Why do you care?”

I stepped back, not used to having anyone that close. “I don’t know. But I do. Give me his name or address and I’ll handle it. It’s literally what I do.”

Leo’s brows shot up. “I’m not paying you for this.”

“And I’m not asking for money.” Heavy footsteps echoed across the roof. My time was up. “His address?”

Leo’s face shuttered. “No. I promised Matty. I can’t go back on that.”

“Fine.” I stepped back towards the open window. “I’ll find him myself.”

I threw myself backwards just as Ferry entered.

I was gone before he could do more than glare in my direction. I might not have wings, but I was more than capable of tumbling efficiently through the air and landing safely on my feet.

I was a cat with one life, but given it was an immortal one, it was a pretty easy trick.

I straightened my jacket as I headed to the place I’d rented in the city.

Leo might feel like he’d delivered justice for Matty, but it wasn’t enough. Not for someone who’d hurt my sunshine.

And Leo might not realise it, but he’d given me enough to track the soon-to-be dead man down.

Chapter 4


“It’s one hundred percent capital.”

“No, it’s income.” Ethan countered hotly, waving his textbook at Riley across the table. “It would be caught by Transactions and Securities.”
