Page 21 of Justice

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Determined to give him a chance, I stood up to greet him. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I had to fight not to wrinkle my nose at the overpowering scent of his cologne. Had he bathed in it before coming out?

Be nice, Matty, I told myself sternly. You’re trying something new, remember?

“This is a nice spot.” Jeremy’s voice boomed as we took our seats. “I always bring my first dates here.”

I glanced around. “Yes, it’s quite nice?—”

“Make sense, you see,” he continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “Then I can compare all the dates. I even order the same food. That way, the only thing that’s different is the bloke.”

“Lovely,” I said faintly. “Well, what dish do you normally go for?”

“Plain steak and chips.” In an Italian? “Can’t be risking anything with garlic in, you see. Just in case.”

Then he gave me a lascivious wink I really could’ve lived without.

Strike one.

The waiter appeared to take our drinks order. Jeremy requested a beer, while I opted for a sparkling water. Something told me I needed to keep my wits about me.

“Go on, live a little. Bit of booze might loosen you up. Besides, tonight’s on me.” He addressed the waiter. “Bring him a double vodka and coke.”

Strike two.

“I’ll have the water,” I said to the waiter, keeping the smile on my face. Wasn’t his fault he was serving a moron. It wasn’t like he’d willingly decided to go on a date with him.

Nope, that idiot was me.

“While you’re here, can we place our food order? I’m famished.”

Actually, I was planning my escape. The faster I ate, the faster I could grab an Uber and return home to my crochet.

Jeremy frowned at my question, but proceeded to give his order to the waiter before I had a chance to.

My brain dawdled while he droned on at the waiter about the specific temperature his steak should be cooked to. I could call Leo to come get me. In fact, a message to him under the table and he’d no doubt be here in less than ten minutes, ready with an excuse to get me out of here.

But he’d just come off his shift rotation. There was no way I was eating into the precious time he got to spend with Ferry.

“And for you, sir?”

“I’ll take the garlic, parmesan, and chicken pasta, with a side of garlic bread.”

Jeremy scowled at that, but I pretended not to notice. Maybe I could salvage something from this evening. Even if it was just practising date conversation.

“So, Jeremy, have you lived in Southampton long?”

“About nine years,” he said. “Came here for university and ended up staying.”

I lit up. “Oh, at Southampton? That’s where I’m studying.”

Jeremy snorted. “Figures. You’re at the one for the snobs.”

My smile slipped in confusion. “Pardon?”

“Southampton University,” he said, in a tone that implied I should understand. “I went to Solent. The real man’s university. Not the stuck-up one for posh fuckers.”

Okaaaaay. Of course I knew there was a bit of a rivalry between the two institutions, but this was the first time I’d come across this level of animosity. “What did you study there?”

“Football studies.”
