Page 29 of Justice

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Lucky sat back in his chair, studying me with shrewd eyes. “Do you like him?”

“Don’t be silly.” I waved my hands at my flushed cheeks. “Of course not. He’s way out of my league.”

Lucky rolled his eyes. “Sweetie, you could not be more wrong there, trust me. But…just be careful with Sebastian, okay?”

“I promise, nothing’s going on.” I blew out a breath. “He’s not the kind of man I should be going for. I need someone safe. Sensible. Stable.”

Lucky snorted. “Yeah, I don’t know much about Sebastian, but he definitely doesn’t tick those boxes.”

I couldn’t help the twinge of sadness as Lucky confirmed my fears. Not that Sebastian had given any indication that he was interested in me.

Still, I couldn’t shake the idea of him. Of what it might be like if I went there…

Riley gestured for my phone. “In that case, let’s look at the next option. We’ll all pick out your next date together. We’ll find someone worthy of you.”

Iwas humming as I returned home that evening.

My mood was far from where it’d been when I’d left that morning. Even though I knew I shouldn’t let Jeremy’s toxic words get to me, that hadn’t stopped me lying awake half the night turning them over in my mind.

Was that why I wasn’t getting more dates? Maybe I was too much for a relationship. Maybe if I toned down my look and personality, I’d be able to make it past the third date mark with someone.

It was those thoughts that had had me picking out my most drab outfit this morning. When I’d hovered in front of my makeup table, I couldn’t bring myself to even put on a bit of gloss. I just kept hearing Jeremy’s hateful voice on a loop.

“I like my men to look like men.”

Sebastian might’ve told me to own who I was, but that wasn’t enough to quell my current uncertainty. Not when it was coming from someone who clearly had no interest in me. He was just being nice because he was friends with my brother.

I’d swept all the makeup off the top of the table and into the drawers beneath. Shame had filled me as I slammed them shut. Leo had built this table for me after catching me trying on makeup as a pre-teen.

“Never be ashamed of who you are,” he’d told me when he’d gifted me the table.

This morning, it had been hard to remember that. But after a day at uni and some time spent with my friends, I was feeling more positive.

The flat was quiet that evening as I made my way to my bedroom. Leo was off shift, so he and Ferry must have been out somewhere. My heart warmed. I was so glad Leo had found his person.

Connecting my phone to my Bluetooth speaker, I selected a playlist and started to shimmy along to Caffeine Daydreams as I stripped off my clothes. My plan was to get into my comfiest pyjamas and settle in front of the tv with my crochet.

I was dancing in a circle, belting out the chorus to “Deep Down” when something on my dressing table snagged my eye.

All the makeup I’d swept into the drawer this morning was neatly arranged on top. I swallowed around a lump in my throat as I ran my hand over the brushes. None of it was organised the way I usually had it. Leo must’ve realised I’d shoved it out of sight and tried to put it back the best he could.

A small burgundy bag sat in the centre. I gasped as the light caught the golden logo—Charlotte Tilbury. Oh my. I loved this brand. Every time I went to John Lewis, I’d spend ages poring over the new products, making a mental list of exactly what I’d buy if I could afford it.

It was wishful thinking. Even when I was finally working full-time, I wouldn’t be able to justify spending what those products cost.

I peeked inside and gave a small squeal of delight. There were three different lip stains, all colours I’d drooled over only last week when I’d been there with Riley. That wasn’t all, either. There was mascara, primer, and a contouring stick also nestled in the bag.

Tears filled my eyes as I pulled it all out in awe. How much had this set Leo back? He’d always been generous with me, but this went beyond that.

Once I’d found new homes for the products on my table, I pulled out my phone and shot a text to my brother.

Thank you for the new makeup. You really shouldn’t have, but I love it so much.

When his response popped up, it made me giggle.


What new makeup?
