Page 35 of A Game Of Choice

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“What?” my sister blinks innocently. “You agreed to make the most out of your college experience. To get out there. Make the best of our first year and being single. That included having a little fun.” She wiggles her brows.

Lilly rolls her eyes. “Stop. Ryan seems like a nice guy. I don’t think he’s going to try to get in my pants on the first date.”

Both my sister and I snort out a laugh. Lilly shoots a glaring look my way. “What?”

“He’s a football player, babe. And you're fine as fuck. I think the chances of him at least trying something are high.”

“I agree with the big dummy over there.”

“You both suck.” Lilly gets up and walks over to the door, staring me down as she starts to shut it in my face. “Be nice,” she mutters before the door clicks shut.

Spinning around, I let out a sigh when I don’t find Toby standing outside in the hall anymore. “Fuck,” I groan.

Toby is laying in his bed, a look of pure fury on his face.

“What?” I sigh.

“Don’t what me!” he snaps.

“Dude.” I flop back into my bed. Here we go again.

“She cannot go out with him.”

“Why not?” I turn my head to look at him. “If you're not going to stake your claim, then why can’t she be with anyone else?”

“Because,” he growls, looking seconds away from kicking my ass. “I know she's going to find someone someday, get married, and live happily ever after. But that won’t be right now. When I graduate, she can date until her heart’s content after I leave. Until then, I don’t want to see her with any other guy.”

“You weren’t like this when she was dating Jonas. She was with him for two years.”

“I was too. I hated the guy. The idea of him touching her, kissing her, fucking her,” he growls the last part. “Makes me want to commit murder. But I knew deep down that it was just a high school thing. They were never going to be anything more after they graduated. I’ve seen the two of them together. I’m surprised they lasted that long. Jonas was a nice guy, I’ll give him that. But the guys at this school?” He shakes his head. “No fucking way.”

“Looks like you're going to have to get used to the idea, man. Because what are you going to do? Tell her she can't? And what are you going to say when she asks you why?”

His jaw ticks, and I can tell he’s getting worked up.

“You need to help me.”

I sit up, spinning around so my legs hang over the side of the bed. “And how do I do that?”

“You date her.”

My brows shoot up. “I’m sorry, what?” I bark out a laugh.

He runs a hand through his hair. “Not really date her. Just hang out with her, make plans, use up her free time so she can’t go out with anyone else.”

“You’re nuts. You have officially lost it, man.” I shake my head. “And what about me? I should just not have a life?”

He shrugs. “Make plans with chicks when she’s hanging out with Bee and Jonas.”

He’s dead serious. I groan in defeat. “Here’s what I can offer. I’ll try to hang out with her more, because Lilly is one of my best friends, so it’s no hardship to me. But I’m not going to tell her who she can and can’t date.”

“Maybe you should fake date her.”

“Nope. Not happening. I won’t risk my friendship with Lilly by playing with her emotions.” Or mine because he has no fucking idea how much he’s asking of me by doing this.

“Fine. We’ll go with your idea.”

“You're stupid, and I hate you so fucking much,” I grumble, flopping back down on the bed again.
