Page 55 of Betrayal In The Bay

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“Well, if you mean did they talk a lot while they were here, then yes, they looked like they had a lot to talk about. But—” she paused.

“Yes?” Julia prompted, leaning forward in anticipation.

“I’m not sure, but the last time they were in here, which was about a week ago, Trevor and Sully seemed to be having an argument. I didn’t know what they were talking about because whenever I went to their table, they stopped talking. But I could see that they both looked mad about something.” Danny looked uncomfortable.

She clasped her hands and said, “I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I’m just telling you what I saw.”

“Of course,” Julia said and gave her a sympathetic smile.

“Can I get you anything else?” Danny asked. Her outgoing demeanor was replaced by a tight smile as though she realized that she might have said too much.

“No, I think we’re good.” I waited until our waitress was out of earshot, but I whispered so that I wouldn’t be overheard by anyone else. “Sully lied about not knowing Trevor well and about not knowing that Trevor had passed Annisa even though she shouldn’t have passed.”

I shot an apologetic look at Annisa. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean?—”

“I know. I shouldn’t have taken Trevor’s offer. I wouldn’t have if I wasn’t going to fail the test.”

“A lot of people don’t end up certifying,” I answered, baffled by Annisa’s persistence to go through with the open water diving certification.

“That may be true for other people, but not for me. I don’t fail in anything. Plus, you and Julia passed, so I figured that I could, too.”

My jaw dropped at Annisa’s admission. Julia looked at her friend and said, “Scuba diving isn’t for everyone. I had a tough time clearing my mask and doing the emergency ascent, too. If it weren’t for the fact that we were already in Cozumel, and I didn’t want to leave Claire by herself, I would have given up. As you know, I haven’t been diving since I got certified.”

Aiden listened to our exchange without commenting. I met his gaze, and he gave me a small smile. Like me, Aiden loved diving, but we knew that it wasn’t for everyone.

“It doesn’t matter anyway now because I’m never diving again,” Annisa said dramatically.

I was about to argue with Annisa about the insanity of her statement, but Aiden shook his head at me and said, “The bigger issue here is what to do about Sully. Apparently, he lied to Claire and Julia.”

I bit back the comment I was going to make and conceded that Aiden brought up a good point.

“After we finish eating, I think we should go back and confront Sully. Julia and I already planned to go back to the shop and return Trevor’s key to him after we pick up Leo.”

“Wait a minute? You went to Trevor’s apartment? You met Leo?” Annisa asked. She stopped eating and started to fiddle with her earlobe.

“I forgot to tell you guys that when we went to Sully’s, Julia and I made up an excuse that Trevor may have something of yours in his apartment,” I said and looked at Annisa. She licked her lips and squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

She set down her spoon and said, “I guess you guys are wondering why I had all the scuba diving gear in my apartment.”

Among all of the fake luxury accessories, I thought, but kept quiet so that I could hear her explanation first before asking about the other items.

But it seemed that Julia wanted to know the same thing and was impatient to find the answers. She gave Annisa a hard look and said, “It was strange to find all that gear in your closet along with the other stuff we found in your apartment.”

Annisa flushed at Julia’s straightforwardness. If she was embarrassed that we found out that she didn’t really pass her open water test, she seemed downright mortified to have to explain to us about the fake stuff in her closet.

Annisa took a deep breath, and when she spoke, her voice quivered as though she was fighting back tears. “When Trevor came to pick me up, he found the stuff in my closet.”

“How did he find out? Was he snooping?” Aiden asked.

“He must’ve have been. I mean, how else could he have found that stuff?” I asked looking at Julia.

“Do you mean to tell me that Trevor found all those things because he went through your closets?” Julia raised her voice in outrage, but she quickly lowered it when Annisa flapped her hand to calm Julia down.

“I don’t think he was sneaking around. I think he was just curious, and he stumbled on the stuff that I was keeping in my closet. He recognized that the purses weren’t real, and I stupidly told him that I was selling them online. I didn’t realize that was illegal until Trevor mentioned it. He told me that I could go to jail.” Annisa cast a pleading look at our stunned faces.

“Anyways, he told me that he wouldn’t mention this to anyone if I did him a small favor,” she said, casting her eyes down at her clam chowder. She was using her spoon to stir the soup around listlessly.

“Let me guess. The small favor was to keep the scuba diving equipment in your closet,” I said, shaking my head in disapproval.
