Page 30 of Jason

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He unzipped my dress and laid it on the couch, removed my thong, and then bent me over.

“Hold on the side of the couch,” He commanded.

He thrust into me fast, but he wouldn’t go hard. I begged him to, but he said he didn’t want the guests to notice me limping once we got back to the reception hall. One hand held my waist while the other moved around to play with my clit. I moaned loudly, not caring if someone heard us. I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm. Jason could tell too as he picked up his speed while thrusting in and out of me. It didn’t take long for us to reach our climax together, and it was blissful. We cleaned up, I put my dress back on and restyled my hair.

Before we headed back, I told Jason how I felt about Alexandro. “Alexandro makes me uncomfortable. He knew I killed Craig and your cousin, Leonard.” No one was supposed to know I killed his cousin, but people already knew I killed Craig.

Jason was furious, but I told him to handle it another time since this is our wedding. I told him I would just stay away from Alexandro the rest of tonight, and when we come back from our honeymoon, he can address it.

I really wanted a happy and fun wedding, even with a bunch of big scary bosses here. Jason agreed, but I saw him talking to some security people once we got back to the reception hall.

Six months later

I was officially on bed rest and waiting for little bean to come out of my stomach. I am a week late, and he still doesn’t seem to want to come out. Jason and I continue to have sex, even though it has been gentle sex since I got put on bed rest. I wasn’t a fan of the gentle sex at first, but now I love it. I’m sure I just love having sex with my husband, Jason, whether it’s gentle or rough.

Jason was in the kitchen making dinner after we had a round of gentle sex when I felt like I was peeing on myself. I looked down and realized my water broke. I wobbled from the living room to the kitchen and told Jason it was time. I was nervous and excited, thinking that today was the day for little bean to finally come. He was frozen for a minute, then he snapped back while I started going to the car and making phone calls. I called Darius and my in-laws to let them know. I was surprised I wasn’t in any pain yet.

As soon as I hung up, the first contraction came, and I nearly screamed my head off.

Jason was pulling up at the hospital while I was screaming at him. I was rushed to the maternity floor and into a room. My contractions were coming fast and hard. They felt like they were tearing through my stomach and back. I’m sure I was cursing out Jason for doing this to me.

When it was time to push, I wanted to give up after about ten minutes of pushing.

My doctor kept saying, “You’re doing good. You’re almost there.”

I was mad she kept saying that but was still telling me to push and little bean hadn’t come yet. After what felt like forever, but was really only another twenty minutes, we heard the cry of the baby. I instantly started crying as Jason cut the cord.

Little bean was placed on my chest, and he instantly latched onto my breast. He was a hungry little fellow. I fed and burped him, then did skin to skin contact.

After I got my fill in, Jason did skin to skin contact. Little bean was 8 lbs., 15 oz, and 22 in long. He was going to be tall like his daddy. He already had his daddy’s eyes and face, but at least he had my curly hair.

After little bean and I were cleaned up they moved us to a different, bigger room. Our family came into the room and Mary picked up the baby, singing him a lullaby. She said it was what she always sung for Jason when he was a baby. Little bean liked it because he smiled at her while she sang. Jack held him next and said he looks just like Jason did as a baby.

When Darius held him, he told him all about how he was the best uncle and little bean could come to him for whatever he wanted and would always get it. I looked at everyone, feeling love from each of them, and knew little bean would be spoiled.

Mary asked, “What are you guys naming him?”

I smiled and said, “Jackson D’Angelo.”
