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Whenever she thinks of me I want her to moisten. Yes, I like that idea.

Because despite the fact that she's human and I hate humans, I like watching her come. And I'm going to make her come a lot.

She's not going to be thinking of anyone or anything else. She's going to be thinking of my cock. She's going to be thinking of pleasing me.

I'm going to make her crave my cock. I'm going to make her want my cock.

Because now she's my slave, and my slave alone.



As soon as I open my eyes, I’m in a panic. I lift my head up, looking around the room. Selliss is deep asleep next to me. What the fuck happened last night?

I don’t even remember us going to sleep. I wasn’t drugged or anything, it’s just that so much happened so fast. We must have fallen asleep right after fucking.

But more importantly, I have no idea what the fuck I’m supposed to do now. I sneak another peek at Selliss, but it’s obvious that he isn’t waking up anytime soon.

A very big part of me is screaming that I shouldn’t be in here. This man is the captain of the guard. I shouldn’t have slept in his bed. I should have gone back to my cell. But at the same time, he didn’t tell me to do that, and I’m only supposed to do as he says. So it’s not like I’m doing anything wrong by being in here.

Even still, this feels wrong.

I carefully slide out of bed, trying not to wake him. For a second, I pace around the room, contemplating what to do before I realize that if I don’t want to wake him, I sure am making a lot of noise with all this pacing.

I grab my clothes from yesterday off the floor, and with one last look at him, I slip into the bathroom. As soon as I’m alone, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

This is the first time I’ve been truly alone in gods know how long. It’s not like my prison cell has much privacy.

I put my clothes on before sitting on the bathroom floor with my back against the door. I have to come up with something quick.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” I whisper out loud.

It’s not like I can just leave his quarters and walk back to my cell. What if he accuses me of escaping? I’m technically his slave, and I haven’t been given an order from my master. And I can’t exactly hide in this bathroom forever.

I stand up, resuming my pacing.

“Come on, you’ve got this,” I tell myself.

Running my finger along the edge of his tub, I let my mind wander a bit. What must it be like to be a man like Selliss?

He has his own personal bathroom, equipped with this humongous tub.

“What I wouldn’t give to take one bath in this thing,” I marvel. It truly is beautiful.

I can’t help but be jealous of everything he has, everything I’ll never have.

Finally, I convince myself to leave the bathroom before I actually do get undressed and get in that bath.

As quietly as I can, I sneak back into his room. Of course, he’s still sleeping, and I don’t know if this is better or worse. Part of me just wants him to wake up already so we can get this over with, and another part of me wants to put it off for as long as possible.

I survey the room, catching sight of the window seat. Perfect. It gives me some distance from him, while still allowing me to keep him in my sight.

Once I sit down, my heart rate begins to return to normal for the first time since waking up. I watch Selliss breathe in and out, in and out, before allowing my eyes to wander to other parts of the room.

The room itself isn’t very big, but compared to my cell, it’s fucking huge. Especially his bed. I recall how soft the fabric felt on my skin before I realized where I was and freaked out.

Despite the circumstances, last night was actually the best sleep I’ve had in a really long time. Maybe ever.
