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Zorak kissed me deeply. “This is the best news I could have ever received. My heart is overflowing, my love.” He placed a gentle hand on my stomach. “Our family is growing.”

We lost ourselves in happy daydreams about the future. How we would tell our friends and family. What to name the babies. How we would rearrange our home and lives to accommodate our new arrivals.

After lunch, we meandered hand in hand down the busy streets, stopping to browse baby stores and imagine ourselves as parents. Our time together always felt like a dream, the real world slipping away.

That night after a celebratory dinner, Zorak slowly undressed me, his fingers trailing fire on my skin. His touch was extra gentle, reverent of the lives growing inside me.

“I don’t know how it’s possible to love you more, but I do,” he murmured against my neck, hands roaming my swollen breasts.

I guided him to the bed, relishing the feeling of his hard muscular body pressing against my softer curves. We joined together in a slow, sensual dance, savoring each sigh and moan. The news of the pregnancy added a new energy between us, at once tender and primal.

We lay entwined afterwards, his hand resting on my belly.

“I wish we could stay like this forever,” I breathed. The real world beckoned once more.

“The ambassadorship keeps me away too often, but we’ll make it work,” he promised. “Just think of the adventures ahead for us, Vanessa - our growing family traveling the stars.”

The next morning, I awoke curled against Zorak’s broad chest, not wanting to leave the comforting circle of his arms. But my busy law practice awaited.

As we lingered over breakfast, we began fantasizing about our next vacation together, plotting and dreaming.

“How about we visit the Sapphire Falls on Heliona 6?” Zorak suggested between bites of grub larvae omelet. “I’ve heard the bioluminescent caverns there are a breathtaking sight.”

“Ooh, yes, I’ve always wanted to see those!” I replied enthusiastically. “And while we’re in that sector, we should also stop at Kyros 9 and tour the ancient particle accelerator ruins. Their science museum is supposed to be fascinating.”

Zorak chuckled. “Trust my wife to turn a vacation into an educational experience.”

I swatted his arm playfully. “We can’t have our little ones growing up without seeing the marvels of the galaxy!”

He leaned in close. “As long as I get to have you all to myself at least some of the time, I’m happy anywhere, my heart.” His hand slid up my thigh under the table, making me blush and swat him away again.

“You’re insatiable!” I accused with a grin.

“Only when it comes to you, my love.” He waggled his eyebrows ridiculously.

Our banter was cut short by the chime of the holoprojector. Zorak’s schedule allowed only two more days together before his duties called him away again. We would make every moment count.

After a lingering goodbye kiss, I headed to the office with a blissful glow about me. The visit had reenergized me, as our times together always did. As enjoyable as it was to imagine future adventures, just having Zorak here, even briefly, was the greatest gift. Our love had only grown, and I couldn’t wait to experience the journey ahead together, our family expanding and thriving across the vast cosmos.
