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I brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She was so beautiful in the morning light, ethereal, almost otherworldly. I still couldn’t believe she was mine.

Kate stirred, blinking awake. Her lips curved into a sleepy smile. “Morning.”

“Morning, darling.” I kissed her forehead, her skin soft under my lips. “How did you sleep?”

“Wonderfully. As always, with you.” She snuggled closer and sighed, utterly content. Her hand drifted down my chest, tracing the ridges on my abdomen.

Heat sparked under her touch. My body reacted instantly to her proximity, her scent, the feel of her skin on mine. I swallowed hard, trying to tamp down my arousal. But it was no use. Not with Kate. She set me aflame like nothing else.

“I love waking up with you,” she whispered. Her fingers continued their lazy exploration, inching lower.

I groaned, grasping her wrist to still her movements. If she kept that up, we wouldn’t be leaving this bed anytime soon. “Careful, woman. Or we’ll never make it out of here today.”

Kate grinned, utterly unrepentant. “Is that such a bad thing?”

No, it wasn’t. Not at all. I’d gladly stay here forever, lost in her embrace, the rest of the world be damned.

“Tease,” I growled, rolling her beneath me. Her laughter was cut off by my kiss. Today would be a late start indeed.

I kissed her softly, slowly, savoring the taste of her lips. Our hands roamed freely, relearning the lines and curves of each other’s bodies. The familiar heat built between us, as inevitable as the dawn.

Kate moaned into my mouth, arching against me. Her nails raked down my back, spurring me on. I deepened the kiss, my tongue tangling with hers. Our hearts raced as one, keeping time with our mounting passion.

My hands worshipped Kate’s body, stroking along her sides, cupping her breasts. She gasped as I rolled a nipple between my fingers, her back arching off the bed.

“Kian,” she breathed, eyes dark with need.

The sound of my name on her lips undid me. I trailed kisses down her throat, along her collarbone, blazing a path to her breasts. I took a nipple in my mouth, sucking gently as I slid a hand between her thighs.

Kate cried out, fingers twisting in my hair. She was hot and wet for me already, her body as eager for my touch as my own was for hers. I stroked along her folds, teasing her entrance before sliding a finger inside. She clenched around me, inner muscles fluttering in invitation.

“Please,” she whimpered, writhing against my hand. Her nails bit into my shoulder, urging me on. “Kian, I need you.”

I lifted my head to capture her mouth again, swallowing her pleas. Our tongues danced as I pulled my hand back and sank my throbbing cock into her, thrusting deep. Kate moaned into the kiss, clutching at me as I brought her to the edge and held her there, suspended.

When I finally gave her release, it was like falling into paradise.

We clung together as the tremors shook us, riding out the waves of pleasure. My senses were overwhelmed—the scent of Kate’s skin, the taste of her mouth, the sounds of our shared ecstasy echoing in the night. Time seemed to stand still in that moment.

As the tremors faded, I held Kate close, whispering words of love and adoration. My heart swelled near to bursting with the depth of my feelings for her. She was my heart, my home, the very air I breathed. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.

Kate nuzzled against my chest, a contented sigh escaping her lips. “I need you,” she murmured, fingers tracing idle patterns on my skin. “I’ve never needed anyone.”

“And I need you,” I said, brushing a strand of golden hair from her face. I gazed into her eyes, twin sapphires that reflected the light of my soul. “Beyond all reason and measure, my darling Kate.”

She smiled, leaning up to press a soft kiss to my lips. I deepened it for a moment, savoring her sweetness, before drawing back.

We lay together then, limbs entwined and hearts full, watching in silence as the twin suns continued their slow ascent into the sky.

Chapter 11


The wind picked up suddenly, whipping my hair into my eyes. I squinted against the stinging sand and saw Kian scanning the horizon with a grim expression. Dark clouds were gathering, swirling with menace.

“Dust storm coming,” he said tersely. “We need to find shelter quick.”

My heart pounded as I realized our exposed position. Kian wheeled his sirocco around and I followed close behind, trusting his lead. The horses snorted anxiously, sensing the danger.
