Page 75 of Gunner's War

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Nashoba gave a short yip, then bounded away, without a backward glance. Oakley watched him go, thenoffered a hand to Gunner. “I know you offered, but it’s important that I ask.”


“Will you fight with me, Gunner? Will you help me save the wolves?”

“Your war is my war, hot stuff.”

She went eagerly into his arms when he reached for her. Oakley didn’t have any doubt about the right or wrong of what they were about to do. She knew her cause was right, and not the devil himself would stop her.


For five days they led their pursuers, fast enough there was little time for sleep. Whenever their followers tried to stop and eat, defecate or rest, Oakley and Gunner would fire a shot, just to let them know they were close.

When their enemy turned and left, it was a surprise. But they’d deal with it. Putting safety first, they hiked for half an hour, deliberately leaving a trail that led away from the direction they wanted to travel.

Once Gunner was satisfied they’d left a clear trail, they turned back the way they came, leaving no more trail to follow and keeping beneath the cover of the trees, should the enemy try aerial surveillance, which seemed unlikely.

They’d hiked for two hours before Oakley called a halt. “I smell wolf.”

“Friend or foe variety?”

“Don’t know. Let’s make camp and find out.”

They piled their packs against the trunk of a massive tree, with branches big and thick enough to support a blanket of limbs and leaves that would keep them dry should it rain.

It also gave him something to their back, since the tree grew at the base of a short but steep incline. It would take some effort to make that short ascent.

They sat side-by-side on a flat topped rock beside the tree, one half buried beneath the incline. Oakley leaned over and whispered. “I smell it again.”

“Is it one of yours?”

“I don’t know…” she smelled again, and it was like having alarms going off inside her, screaming of danger. “It’s hurt. It’s—shit! Weapons!”

At the moment she hissed weapons, a shot rang out and wood on the tree beside them splinted. They rolled different directions, each scrambling for their weapons. Gunner reached his first and lay down cover as she hurried to arm herself with something besides her sidearm.

Once she had her crossbow in hand, she let everyone know she was ready by taking out one of the men wasting his ammo, shooting in the wrong direction. He must have had a partner close by, because a shout rang out, and a moment later, the night was filled with the sound of weapons fire.

It didn’t take long to realize how ill-prepared their enemy was. They were hired muscle, either promised they would be paid a small fortune, or they were men in service to Samir, men who knew he’d just as soon kill as reward them. That incentivized excellent service where they came from.

At least excellence in terms of dedication to the mission. Given the chance, they’d turn on their master and run, only to end up slaves to another master when their funds ran out. They should have jumped ship when they had the chance.

Moving silently, keeping to the shadows, Oakley began picking them off. When she’d killed six, she started to wonder. Had all the teams joined up into one party? It seemed so, but why?

Even as she asked herself that question, Gunner had a similar epiphany. He’d taken out five men, andthere was still a significant enemy presence. How many men had they sent?

Not that it mattered. He’d kill them all.

And so they fought. They fought until their rifles were empty, their handguns down to only what was in the clips, and the quiver of arrows lay empty on the ground. They fought until they were backed up against the rock incline, with no path to freedom apparent.

“Surrender now, and I will let him live,” Samir demanded, keeping his weapon trained on Gunner.

“Not a chance,” Oakley replied. “You’re going to kill him anyway, so why should I give you what you want? You’ll have to kill me, because I’ll die defending Gunner. I’ll cheat you of what you want, so kill us both.”

He laughed. “Yes, there is something I want. Something I will have. You. You will give yourself to me, you and your wolves.”

“I’ll never give you my wolves, so go ahead and shoot.” She paused, then added “besides, if I can do this with a gray wolf, imagine what I could do with some of those beasts from Russia.”

She saw it hit, saw the flash on his face – he could have what he wanted without having to try to capture the wolves. He just needed her.
