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I unzip my suitcase and flop it open. One side holds all my clothes and the other side holds Henry and a few other items. I grab the pillow and throw it on the bed before unzipping the compartment with my clothes.

“Does your vibrator also have a name?” Coop suddenly asks. I freeze. Coop is sitting on the bed leaning forward with his eyes trained on the small silk bag that was hidden underneath Henry. The tie at the opening has come undone and my vibrator is very clearly visible. Heat creeps over my throat up to my face.

“Sally,” I whisper.Why the fuck did I just tell him that?

“Sally,” Coop repeats. After a moment of silence, he bursts into laughter. “Why the heck did you name a vibrator after a woman?”Are these tears? Is he laughing so hard that he has tears in his eyes? Bastard!I chuck the pillow at him.

“For your information, because the vibrator has got me making the same noises as Sally in the movieWhen Harry met Sally,” I huff, embarrassed. My cheeks are burning and I stuff the small bag under some clothes before grabbing my pyjamas and wash bag.

It’s quiet in the room and I look up. Coop is studying me, his eyes are dark and there is something there that makes me feel nervous.

“Why are you even bringing Sally with you?” His voice is almost a whisper.

“Because… because, I’m not you. I don’t shag random people, but I still like to… you know.” I sound cross and I guess I am a little, but I wince when I see the look on his face. I hurt him.

“For your information I wasn’t planning to hook up with anyone whilst I’m away with you.” Oh yes, he’s angry.

“Are you done?” He points at my suitcase and when I nod, he closes it up and puts it in the corner of the room. He has a deep frown on his face and guilt hits me even harder.

“Coop, I’m sorry,” I say and break the silence. His eyes find mine and his expression softens a little.

“I just hate that you think that about me. Have I ever ditched you for a woman?” No, I can honestly say he hasn’t. When we’re out together for dinner or drinks he occasionally gets approached by women who clearly think I am no competition but he always rejects them.

“No. I really am sorry.” I pull him into a hug and it doesn’t take long for him to slide his arms around my body and pull me closer.

“You smell good,” he whispers.

“It’s the perfume you got me for Christmas.” He heard me talk about a brand once and actually remembered it at Christmas. He always does thoughtful things like that.

“Hm, no, there’s something else…” He sticks his nose closer to my neck and his beard tickles my skin.What is he doing?This doesn’t feel that friendly anymore. It feels like much more. The tip of his nose slides up and down my neck, causing goosebumps all over my body. Suddenly he freezes and takes a step back, probably when he realises what he’s doing.

“I need a shower,” he declares before heading off towards the bathroom with his bag in tow.

Okay, what the fuck was that?My heart is hammering. I take a seat on the bed and just stare out the window. I mean, there isn’t really much more to do in this tiny room. It’s still snowing; thick white flakes float through the beam of the streetlamps which have come on as it’s already getting dark. I can still feel the gentle touch of the tip of his nose as he slid it up the column of my throat. I place my fingers on the exact spot as if I can find proof there that he did what he did. I’m so confused, about his touch and about the butterflies in my stomach.Argh.Because we don’t have enough problems! Let’s worry about the flight tomorrow and ignore what just happened. I’m sure it was just a fluke.

“Bathroom’s free,” Coop’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.Oh my!When my eyes catch sight of him, heat shoots back into my cheeks and to other parts of my body. He’s standing there in just a towel. A mighty small towel, I might add. I’ve seen him in swimming shorts plenty of time but in a towel, with his muscular chest and the trail of hair leading downwards on full display, he looks different. I swallow and grab my stuff.

“Cool, thanks, cool. It’s still snowing by the way,” I say flustered before disappearing into the bathroom.

Smooth, real smooth.

* * *

Itake a longer shower than usual to calm my nerves. I think this bloody Kama Sutra room is getting to me. By the time I am finally finished, hair dried and dressed in my pyjamas, Coop has collected dinner for us.

“This is bloody delicious,” he grins as I step out of the bathroom in my leggings and an oversized top with a little reindeer with fairy lights tangled up in its antlers on the front. Yes, I hate Valentine’s Day, but I love Christmas and I tend to wear my Christmas pyjamas all year round.

I jump on the bed next to him and lean against the headboard. Coop passes over a bowl filled with what looks like kitchen leftovers. Minced beef ragout topped with mashed potatoes have been chucked into the bowl without much care. Looks like Pauline only has love for the room decorations.

I take a spoonful and I’m in food heaven. What the meal lacks on visual appeal, it definitely makes up for in taste.

“Oh my god,” I moan.

“Told you,” he grins again and bumps my shoulder with his. He is wearing a white T-shirt and boxer shorts, and I notice how the material of his shirt stretches over his muscles.

“Did you go downstairs dressed like this?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Why? Think Pauline wouldn’t like it?” he wiggles his bum a little. “Don’t worry, Mother Superior, I wore my tracksuit bottoms.”
