Page 30 of Against All Odds

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“Come on in.” I step aside so she can walk into the house.

She frowns, noticing the change in my tone, but forgets about it once she’s inside. “Wow. This place is absolutely gorgeous.”

“No luggage?” I ask.

“Oh. No.” Autumn giggles, then pats the expensive purse she’s carrying. I bet Jameson bought it for her. “I have the essentials in here. And well…” Her smile turns coy. “I didn’t think I’d need many clothes.”

The innuendo is impossible to miss.

“Gets cold as fuck here,” I tell her.

Autumn’s expression twists, like she’s not sure if I’m purposefully misunderstanding or if I’m making fun of her. “Jameson didn’t mention we’d have company.”

“I’m his brother,” I tell her.

“Oh.” I can see the admiration on her face as she looks me over. Subtle, she’s not. A characteristic I usually appreciate, but it’s currently annoying me to no end.

“Littlebrother.” Jameson appears, his face brightening when he spots Autumn. “So glad you made it, baby.”

He kisses her, using way too much tongue, but she seems into it.

“Younger,” I say, when they separate. “I’m Jameson’syoungerbrother. Nothing littler about me, which any girl who’s been with us both knows.”

Autumn’s expression brims with obvious lust as she looks me over again.

Jameson’s face is twisted with fury.

Sure, it’s petty as fuck reminding him who slept with his fiancée first.

But he’s the one who showed up here, knowing it’s where I was spending part of break, and invited the woman he’s cheating on my ex with.

“Maybe we could all…”

My dark mood lightens considerably, seeing Jameson’s reaction when Autumn suggests a threesome. His face turns an alarming shade of red as she basically announces she’s unsatisfied with their sex life.

“The women I fuck are too satisfied to screw someone else,” I tell her. “Sorry.”

Then I turn and head upstairs.

“I’m headed to bed,” Conor says, tossing the rest of his cards on the table before shuffling them into one stack.

I groan. “Seriously?”

He’s bailed early every night since we’ve been here. Even tonight, when I agreed to stay in. We grilled steaks and have been playing cards for the past hour.

“Yeah. I haven’t been sleeping great.” Hart aims an accusing look at me, like it’smyfault I’m the only one getting laid on this trip.

“You still haven’t texted her, huh?”

He stretches, then stands. Avoiding answering my question, just like he’s done every time the topic of Harlow has come up. “Night, Phillips.”

I sigh. “Night.”

Conor disappears upstairs.

I spin my phone around on the table, debating what to do. Jameson and Autumn left a couple of hours ago, and since Conor was around and has that charisma that makes other guys want to seem cool around him, Jameson shared that they’re spending the night at the condo downtown instead of just taking off without talking to me like he would’ve if we were here alone.

Now that Hart has gone to bed, I have the house to myself.
