Page 108 of Fractured Vows

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I reach for the cuffs and quickly untie her wrists and ankles, tossing the spreader bar off the side of the bed before pulling her into my arms and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “You did good, spitfire.”

She nods, her eyes drooping closed as the fatigue drags her closer to unconsciousness.

“I love you,” she murmurs.

“I love you too.” I hold her closer, cradling her tighter against my chest. “Marry me.”

Her amber eyes pop open, and she looks up at me through long lashes. “I hate to break this to you, Doc, but we’re already married.”

I chuckle and push the stray hair from her face. “I know that. But I want to give you a real wedding, one where we actuallylike each other and you pick your own dress and flowers and whatever else you want.”

The smile that tugs at her lips and the tears that gather in her eyes remind me exactly why I fell in love with the woman I’ll hold close for the rest of my life.

“I’ll marry you a million times over.”



I hear their laughs before I’m even out of the car, and I can’t help but smile.

This isn’t where I thought my life would lead. I thought I had years of partying ahead of me, maybe some travel. If I’m honest, I wasn’t even sure I would ever finish college.

And yet here I am.

I throw my handbag over my shoulder and walk up the front steps of our home. The day Doc drove me out into the suburbs and pulled up out the front of a house with a white picket fence, I laughed so hard tears fell against my cheeks, and then I realized he was serious.

It’s a world away from the apartment we shared at the beginning of our marriage, but we’re not those people anymore. Well, he still works for the Saint James family, and I still go out for lunch with Bella once a week and need him to pick me up after I’ve had one too many mimosas, but we’re happier. We found our feet together, and then we added some more fingers and toes to the mix.

I unlock the front door and dump my bag and coat on the side table. Doc’s always snapping at me for leaving all my shit here, but every time I walk through the door, I’m too desperateto see them to care. Plus, if it means I get a spanking later, I’m more than happy to risk it.

I step into the front room and cover my mouth to stop the laugh from falling from my lips. All six foot seven of my husband is crammed into a tiny kid’s chair, how the thing isn’t crumpling beneath him is a wonder. He has a tiara sitting on the top of his head and is holding a teacup in one hand and one of Indigo’s soft toys in the other.

He looks fucking ridiculous, but it only makes me love him more. I didn’t think it was possible, and yet every day I live this life with him, my heart seems to grow in size to fit him and our two babies in it.

I peek into the cot in the corner and find Noah fast asleep despite the ruckus his sister and father are making just a few feet away from him.

“Mommy!” Indigo squeals as she hurdles over the plushies spread across the room. Every time I leave the house for the day, I come back to a war zone, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Not when I see my daughter’s face after a day with her dad.

I crouch down just in time for her to leap into my arms, and I squeeze her tight as I look over her shoulder at Doc who is watching us closely. Indigo came into our lives not long after our second wedding, a product of the birth control pills my husband was regularly fucking with without my knowledge.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t mad as hell when I first found out I was pregnant, but if I’m honest with myself, it was the obvious next step for us, and the first time I saw our little girl on the monitor at the doctor’s office, any anger melted away. How could I be mad when Doc had given me such a beautiful gift? Even if he was sneaky about it.

And two years later, we welcomed Noah.

Seeing a man the size of Doc with tiny babies will always make my ovaries burst, and I almost cave into him wanting more kids, but our family of four is perfect.

Doc rises slowly from the tiny chair and deposits Waldo the Walrus and the cup on the table before prowling toward me.

He gathers me in his arms and pulls me close, burying his face in my neck and inhaling sharply. “I missed you today.”

I laugh, wrapping my arms around him and holding on tight. “I was only out for a few hours.”

He presses a kiss to my lips, and I groan. One thing that hasn’t suffered after having kids? Our sex life. The man is insatiable, and so am I. I’ll never get enough of him.

“Yuck!” Indigo yells. “Mommy and Daddy are gross!”

A laugh slips from my mouth, and the smile that pulls at my lips makes my cheeks ache. I look up at Doc and cup his face in my hands, his stubble rough against my palms.

“Thank you for giving me such a beautiful life,” I whisper.

He shakes his head slowly, lowering his face until it’s just an inch from mine. “You’re the one that gave me everything I never dared to wish for, spitfire.”

The sound of Noah’s babbling in the corner drags our attention off one another and Doc quickly crosses the room, gathering our one-year-old into his arms before scooping Indigo up in the other. He returns to me, and I wrap my arms around the three of them.

If only the twenty-year-old party girl who thought her life was over could see me now.
