Page 50 of Fractured Vows

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He shoves his knee between my legs, and I feel the evidence of his need for me pressing against my thigh. Jesus. I know I saw the fucking thing this morning, but that doesn’t make his size any easier to believe.

He grinds into me as his kiss grows more ferocious. Each swipe of his tongue and every clash of our teeth is rougher than the last, and I can’t help but love every second.

My core pulses with need and I find myself shamelessly grinding against him, desperate for relief, but my jeans are in the way.

A desperate moan tears from my throat, and for a split second I’m embarrassed by the sound. I’ve never made a noise like that before. But then Doc’s response comes, a deep primal growl that steals my breath, and all my shame melts away.

His palms are rough as they slide down my body and grasp my ass, but the second he lifts me from the ground, I wrap my legs around him, relishing in how rough he is with my body. I never thought I’d like it rough, but fuck if the bite of pain isn’t addictive.

The doors slide open and he carries me to our door, making quick work of the lock. He moves us through the apartment, not stopping until he kicks the bedroom door open and deposits me in the middle of the bed.

I’m breathless and my lips burn from his stubble, and yet I feel empty until his body covers mine and his lips are back to worshipping mine.

Without breaking our kiss, he uses one elbow to prop himself up, keeping his weight off me while the other works on my jeans. He pops open the button and makes quick work of the zip before he plunges his hand beneath them and my panties.

“Fuck,” Doc growls. “You’re fucking soaking for me, spitfire.”

I nod against the mattress, unable to deny it. I’ve never ached like this before, and I don’t need to see into his mind to know there’s no stopping what’s about to happen. And even if there was, I wouldn’t want to.

In my soul I know this is meant to happen. It might be all kinds of fucked up, and Doc might be the last man I ever thought I would hand my virginity over to, but it feels right.

He shoves a thick finger inside me, and I scream against his lips the moment he finds the sweet spot inside me. I’m trembling from head to toe, the need for release taking my breath away, especially seeing as he ruined my orgasm not twelve hours ago.

I grind against his hand, desperate for more. More of his lips, more of his touch, more of his pain. I just need him.

“So needy for me, Isla.”

Doc smirks against my lips before upping the ante. His palm presses against my clit, giving the most delicious amount of pressure while his fingers continue their assault on my G-spot until I’m panting.

He trails kisses down my cheek, across my jaw, and when he reaches my neck, he bites down on the soft flesh, tearing a scream from my throat. It hurts so fucking much I’m not convinced he didn’t just draw blood, but the pain also shoves me so close to the edge that I’m dangling there, suspended between pleasure and pain.

“Fuck,” he grunts. “Your cunt is so fucking tight when I hurt you, spitfire. I knew you were perfect, but this only makes me want you more.”

He shoves a second finger inside me, and I see stars. The whole room seems to melt away, and all that’s left is him. His touch. His breath. His hardness.

“Doc,” I cry. “Please, fuck, please let me come.”

He groans right before his teeth sink into my shoulder and the pain drags me to the edge. The only thing holding me there is the man who captivates my every thought, who I despised a week ago, and now everything I feel for him is muddled and confusing. “I love it when you beg, spitfire.”

“Please,” I sob, tears of frustration and pleasure falling against my cheeks.

He leans forward and drags his tongue along the same path the tears are falling, and the gesture only nudges me closer. “Tell me you’re mine.”

My breath stutters in my chest. Am I his? Can I really belong to a man who tore my family apart? Can I ever allow myself to love him? To have a life with him? To admit that this marriage is more than the sham I keep claiming it is?

A primal growl tears from his throat and my eyes shoot up to meet his gaze. The emotions dancing in the darkness draw me in until I’m pretty sure he could ask me for anything and I would fall to my knees to obey him. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Isla.”

“I’m yours,” I whisper the words into existence and find I don’t hate the way they taste on my tongue.

“Again,” he demands, his length pressing into my thigh through both our jeans.

“I’m yours,” I repeat a little louder this time.

“You’re fucking mine, Isla. There’s nothing on the fucking planet that could keep you from me because I will always find you, and I will always drag you back to me.”

Before I can open my mouth to argue, he presses a third finger inside me, stretching me to the point of pain, and he bitesdown on the flesh of my breast, tearing a scream and the most intense orgasm of my life from my body.

This time, when stars burst to life in my vision, I don’t bother fighting them. I hand my body to Doc and trust him not to break me.
