Page 81 of Fractured Vows

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“How do we know they’ll release my dad and Bree once they have me?” I whisper. It’s a risk. A big fucking risk. And one I have no right to take. But I have to. I can’t allow them to be hurt because of me.

“We don’t.” Jaxon shrugs.

I stare at the back of his head for long seconds, my mouth dropping open in surprise at his blunt admission. But I guess I should just be glad they’re being honest with me.

I let out a stuttering breath and turn the ring on my finger around and around, the only tether I have to the life I just walked away from. Regret beats down on me until I can barely breathe through it. I need to speak to Doc. I need to tell him I love him. I need him to know I didn’t leave him because I wanted to, but because I refuse to be the reason those I love are in danger.

The car comes to an abrupt halt in front of the busy club, and I’m quickly ushered from the SUV. The hordes of people in the line waiting to be let into the most popular party place in the city stare at me, surrounded by Boston’s most infamous bachelors, a mix of interest and jealousy on their faces. If only they knew.

Bryant guides me around to the entrance in the alley that runs down the side of the club, and then I’m in the office I was in six weeks ago being told I was about to get married. How has it only been six weeks? It feels like a lifetime, like I’ve been living a different life entirely.

A simple black mini dress with cutouts down the sides and a low neckline is thrust into my hands, and I stare at it for a few seconds before meeting Kai’s cold eyes. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“Hurry up. Spade is already on his way.”

I nod, tears gathering in my eyes. “Could I borrow your phone quickly?”

He sighs, annoyance flashing across his face before he fishes it out of his pocket and hands it to me. “Quickly.”

He disappears from the room, slamming the door behind him before I can ask him why he’s always such an asshole, even during one of the worst days of my life.

I stare down at the dress and the phone sitting in either hand, trying to decide which to do first, but I need to let Doc know I’m okay. I can only imagine he’s going out of his mind with worry because if the roles were reversed, I know that’s what I’d be doing.

I take a few deep breaths before typing in the number I had the good sense to memorize a few weeks ago.

“Isla?” Doc’s worried voice fills the line, and I almost choke on the relief that washes over me.

“Doc,” I whisper, unable to trust my voice not to break under the weight of the emotions beating down on me.

“Where are you? Are you okay?” He doesn’t sound angry. Just worried, and that only makes me love him more. He’s everything I ever could have wanted in a husband, and at least if things go south here tonight, I’ll have known what love feels like.

“I’m in Boston, at The Vault. My dad and Bree are missing. I had to come and help get them back.” I choke on the words.

“Why didn’t you call me?” he demands. “We could have done this together.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” I admit. “I was scared.”

A pained sigh fills the line and I allow tears to fall against my cheeks.

“I don’t have much time,” I whisper. “I just wanted you to know I love you. More than I ever thought I was capable of loving anyone.”

“Isla,” he warns. “You better not be saying goodbye to me.”

“I’m not. I just want you to know, just in case.”

“There is no ‘just in case,’ spitfire, because you’re going to stay right where you are until I get there, and then we’ll make a plan. We’ll do this together.”

But I’m already shaking my head. “There’s no time.”


“I have to go. I love you.”

I end the call before I can talk myself out of it and allow the sob caught in my throat to escape. What if that’s the last time I ever speak to him?

A knock at the door startles me, tearing a squeak from my throat.

“Hurry up!” Kai shouts.
