Page 99 of Fractured Vows

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He reaches for the knife and quickly slices through the rope at one of my ankles so he can force my knee to my chest, opening me up for him.

I choke on a sob and force my eyes closed. I didn’t wait twenty years to lose my virginity just for this to happen a month after I finally gave it to the man I love. That’s not how my story was meant to go. I was only ever meant to be with one man. I had all these grand gestures about how they would be my one and only, and now they’re being tainted by the devil.

His body covers mine, and the moment the head of his cock presses against my entrance, my lungs stutter in my chest, and I squeeze my eyes shut so tight they hurt, willing my mind to find a place far away from here to go to protect itself as my body is violated.

Rough sobs escape me with a force that makes my ribs ache, but at least I can cling to the pain. At least I can cling to anything but the feeling of a vile man taking what I never offered him.

A loud bang sounds from somewhere in the house, and the ground beneath me vibrates from the force, but I’m too far lost somewhere far, far away.

The whole house could burn to the ground for all I care, so long as Spade goes up in flames with it.



Helpless is not an emotion I’m familiar with.

And yet I can’t tear my eyes off the scene playing out in front of me.

The man who killed my ex-wife is about to violate the woman I love. It’s probably some fucked-up poetic justice for the sins of my past, but all I can think about is how she doesn’t deserve this, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it from happening.

I’ve spent a lot of years hating my own existence, but I have a feeling that will be tenfold from here on out, and that’s if we survive. There’s every possibility these assholes will kill me when I stop being useful for keeping Isla in line.

Isla’s cries are soft, but her entire body trembles with the power of her sobs. Spade doesn’t care though. He grips his tiny cock in his hand, fisting it a couple of times as his eyes feast on my wife, and then he lowers himself over her.

Part of me wants to look away for my own benefit, but if she has to live through this, then so do I. I won’t allow her to go through it alone.

I open my mouth to offer her comfort, but I’m quickly cut off when one of the meatheads beside me blindsides me withanother fist to the jaw. The taste of copper fills my mouth, and I hold his gaze as I spit blood onto the rug beside me.

Rayne and Storm should have been here by now. There’s no reason I can think of that it should be taking them this long, so I’m beginning to suspect the worst. Perhaps they’ve been captured too. Or maybe they had to go to the mansion to lend a hand, but that doesn’t seem as likely. We have no allegiance to the Hayes family other than to save Isla, her father, and her best friend. If what these assholes have said is true and Edward and Bree have been freed, there would be no reason for us to go there and help.

Spade covers Isla’s body with his much larger one. He stares down at the tears tracking down her cheeks as he notches himself in place. The thought of him violating my wife makes me equally sick as it does homicidal, but the idea of watching him do it? It makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

I fight against the binds at my wrists, ignoring the searing pain in my shoulder as I tug at the rope. The need to get to Isla is strong enough for me to ignore the way my body protests. The knots are too tight for me to slip, even if I were to break my thumbs to do so. These assholes knew what they were doing when they tied me up.

Her head rolls to the side, and her body goes lax beneath his. She’s accepting her fate. All the fight has bled from her, and all that’s left is acceptance.

I’m about to launch forward, consequences be damned when the floor beneath me vibrates. My brows tug together in confusion before the telltale sound of an explosion fills the cabin, throwing the room into chaos.

Smoke billows beneath the door as Spade bolts to his feet, dragging his pants up as he reaches for the gun he haphazardly left sitting on his desk. He’s a cocky son of a bitch, I’ll give him that. The two guards on either side of me glance at one anotherbefore moving toward the door, placing themselves between Spade and whatever may come bursting into the office.

Isla remains perfectly still as if she’s not aware of what’s going on around her, and maybe that’s a good thing. She doesn’t need to see what’s about to happen, even if Spade’s death would probably bring her a great deal of peace right now.

The sound of gunfire throughout the house is deafening, but I’m too focused on freeing myself from the ropes around my wrists to give a fuck. Chances are it’s either Storm and Rayne or the Hayes brothers, but either way, they’re not here to hurt me or Isla.

The ropes dig into my flesh, leaving searing pain in their wake as I try to give myself a bit of room to work, but that doesn’t stop me. All that matters is getting to my wife and getting her the fuck out of here. I need to know she’s safe, and I need her in my arms where I know nothing can ever hurt her again.

I wince as a bone in my thumb breaks beneath the pressure, but I keep moving despite the pain that radiates up my arm. I keep my eyes on Spade and his men as I slip my hand from the binds, keeping my movements small and slow so as not to draw attention to myself.

The door bursts open, and I immediately stop what I’m doing, preparing myself to protect Isla if need be. But when Rayne appears in the doorway, his dark eyes locked on Spade as smoke surrounds him, like he’s the goddamn grim reaper himself.

I make quick work of ridding myself of the ropes and moving toward my reason for breathing. I snag a throw rug from the back of the couch and cover her as quickly as I can. Although I’ll never admit it to their faces, I’ve grown fond of the Saint James brothers, and I’d rather not have to kill them for seeing my wife naked.

I cup her cheek in one hand while I use the knife Spade discarded to cut through the ropes and free her, but she remains perfectly still, her gaze never breaking from the bookcase on the other side of the room. She may physically be here with me, but her mind is far away, protecting itself from what was only moments away from happening to her.

“Isla,” I murmur, brushing my thumb across her cheek, desperate to have her eyes on me, but she still doesn’t move.

“Get on the fucking ground, Spade, or I swear to god I will blow your brains out,” Rayne growls, his gun trained on the three of them.
