Page 25 of Love in Kentbury

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“If some of these fucking lights don’t end up working,” he rumbles with a roguish glance my way.

“Wait, weren’t they all tested beforehand?” I ask in surprise.

He shrugs. “Who knows? We’ll soon find out, I guess.” Henrik’s eyes meet mine, and there’s a spark there, a hint of something more than just friendly banter. It sends a thrill through me, unexpected but not unwelcome.

I can feel Henrik’s eyes on me as I continue untangling the strings of lights, and every accidental brush of his arm against mine sends a jolt through my body.

Part of me wants to flee, to escape this treacherous attraction. But the other part of me wants to lean into it, to see where it might lead.

I’m reaching for a box when my boots slip suddenly on the icy floor. Henrik’s arms wrap around me, halting my fall. For a moment, we stay suspended like that, breaths mingling in frosted plumes. His steadying hands burn through my coat.

“Lou . . .” he murmurs. My name on his lips sends a shiver down my spine. Slowly he reaches up, fingers gently brushing back a fallen hair behind my ear. His work-roughened palm comes to rest featherlight on my flushed cheek. The tender look in his eyes steals my breath away.

“We . . . we shouldn’t,” I whisper half-heartedly, pulse racing. But I make no effort to leave his embrace.

Henrik just smiles. A devastatingly handsome grin that turns my knees to jelly. “Why not give this a shot?”

He leans in. I know I should pull back, but my body refuses to obey. I let my eyes flutter closed as his mouth finds mine.

The kiss is soft at first, tentative, as if testing my reaction. When I melt into him, it deepens, becoming more passionate. Henrik’s strong arms crush me close, one hand tangling into my hair while the other presses against the small of my back.

I’m lost, drowning in him, in the moment. The orchard around us fades away. There is only Henrik’s lips working urgently against mine, his hands roaming my body, my own heart pounding madly.

Finally we separate, gasping softly. Henrik rests his forehead against mine, eyes dark and wanting.

“Lou . . .” Henrik whispers again. I press a gentle finger to his kiss-swollen lips, at a loss for words.

“There’s still work to do,” I manage weakly.

He sighs but nods in understanding. As we reluctantly step apart, the air still crackles with electricity between us. Things have irrevocably changed now.

My lips are still tingling from his kiss, and my skin prickles everywhere he touched me. I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

“So . . .” Henrik’s voice breaks the tense silence. “That happened.”

I meet his gaze, my cheeks flushed. “It did.”

“Any regrets?” He keeps his tone light, but I can detect a serious note underneath.

I consider for a moment before replying. “No. But it probably shouldn’t happen again.”

Disappointment flashes across his face, but he quickly recovers, nodding. “You’re right, of course. We have a job to do.”

I feel a sharp sting as Henrik readily accedes. Part of me desperately wants him to challenge my decision, persuade me to reconsider . . . but he simply nods.

We continue working as tension builds in the silence surrounding us. I choose to ignore it and get back to work. As we finish up, Henrik looks my way. “It’s getting late. Let me drive you home.”

I hesitate. Being alone with him right now doesn’t seem wise. But the thought of extending our time together is tempting.

I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, but I can’t call Paul or Mac to ask them for a ride just because I might accidentally kiss Henrik again. Can I?

The drive to Paul’s place is tense. I’m hyperaware of Henrik’s tall frame beside me in the darkened car. I sneak glances at his chiseled profile and strong hands gripping the wheel.

Too soon, we pull up outside Paul’s house. Henrik puts the SUV in park, quickly opens the car door for me, and extends his hand to help me outside.

“Henrik . . .” I begin tentatively.

In a flash, he turns, and his mouth is on mine, kissing me hungrily. My surprise melts into desire, and I kiss him back, tangling my fingers in his hair . . .
