Page 39 of The Wrath

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His head lowered, and she went still.

He was going to do it? He was going to kiss her? Trembling, she leaned forward to meet him halfway. At the last second, he clasped and lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles twice.

“I’ll allow you to live. This time,” he said, releasing her and backing off. “If you decide to fake another betrayal, you will notify me first. Any other action will be considered an actual betrayal. I’ll proceed accordingly.”

Ignoring her crushing disappointment, she offered a jaunty salute. “Sir, yes, sir.”

This encounter wasn’t a total loss at least. He’d made a move. He’d even taken a beat to consider her suggestion. For now, that was enough. Baby steps still got you to the finish line.

“You shouldn’t complain, Captain Crimson. Look how far my methods have gotten us. News flash. This oracle gets things done.”

Features blank, he motioned to the hall. “Lead the way.”

Fine. “Just so you know, stress causes impotence.”

“I’m not—never mind. Get moving.”

She marched on, and he kept pace behind her.

They snaked around a corner, approaching the final door. A towering iron gate that should lead to an uninhabited forest. Instinct insisted the forest was the only route off this planet alive. Almost there...

She reached for the knob—argh! No movement. “Locked.”

Rathbone threw his body into the block with such force, the hinges exploded and metal bent. He helped her through the jagged entrance.

As they ventured into a cool, sweet-smelling woodland, a familiar pang cut through her temples. Her steps lagged, resignation acting as a shackle connected to a boulder. Oh, yeah. Her mind would blank in a matter of minutes. The mental blanket had just breached her most recent set of memories.

“Let’s slow the pace a little,” she said. “Did I mention I’m ninety-six percent certain we’ll make it to our destination without opposition?”

Rathbone maintained the lead, but he did dial down his speed. He angled his face toward hers, saying, “Tell me about the rocks.”

She didn’t mean to, but she grabbed his hand and linked their fingers, craving contact. Needing it. Usually, she faced her problems alone. How nice to have a partner for once. “They’re grimlings, and I dug them from your garden.” Oh! Finally! An answer rather than a question. The information ran from the falling blanket, escaping her mouth. “I sensed them and knew they would aid our escape. And they didn’t attack you because your blood is their blood.”

She scanned ahead, hoping to cobble together a clear, easily explainable plan for him to follow once she checked out. Trees abounded in every direction, their limbs heavy with beautiful purple flowers. Poisonous? Lush, dewy bushes lined a dirt path. The very path they currently traversed. But she spotted no foot or paw prints to indicate a safer route. No insects flew about, either. A definite sign of trouble.

Should she and Rathbone veer? But where? When?Think, think!

Another pang erupted in her temples, light beginning to wane. “Listen, Red. I’m about to pass out.”

“Are you injured?” he demanded, slamming to a halt. She must not have answered swiftly enough, because he maneuvered her body this way and that, on the hunt for wounds.

“Mental overload,” she explained, clasping his wrists. “My mind is gonna reset, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Don’t take it personally, but I might not remember you when I awaken. And don’t think my little nap means you’re a contestant in Mr. Neeka’s Consort or anything. I’m not your typical harpy, and this won’t be a typical rest.”

His lids slitted. “You will remember me, and I’ll hear no more on the subject.” He swooped her off her feet and into his muscular arms, clutching her against his chest and stalking forward.

Oh, wow, this she liked more than the hand hold.

Neeka rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, saying, “If I attack you, don’t strike back. Use my safe phrase—You’re right, and I’m wrong.It’s the only way to calm me down.”


“No. Just listen. When you come across the starways—” Starways? Oh! Oh! The information she’d searched for earlier suddenly dawned. Doors into other worlds, and the only way home. “Whatever you do, avoid the red ones. And the pink, orange, yellow, blue, and green ones.”

Teeth clenched, he said, “Perhaps you should tell me anacceptablecolor.”

Another pang hit, far stronger than the others. More light extinguished, and she cringed, certain only seconds remained. “This next part involves Lore’s bone. Do not, under any circumstances—” Total darkness descended, and Neeka sagged into unconsciousness.

