Page 7 of The Wrath

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Great! Now she kind of wanted to stick him on a shelf, shove a wick down his throat, and burn him candle-style.

She peered up at him. “You could be bottled and sold for millions.”

He offered no comment. Just flashed her to a new location. From the Phoenix lord’s dungeon to a throne room, where precious gems glittered on the walls in swirling, colorful patterns, white flames danced atop torches, and a gold-veined marble floor gleamed.

She gawked at the opulence. But, um, the chamber possessed no doors. Not a single escape hatch in sight.

Trepidation prickled her nape. A prison for someone like Neeka who couldn’t teleport.

“Help a girl out and tell me what I’m supposed to see,” she said, ready to vacate the place ASAP.

He released her and stalked to the royal dais, where two thrones loomed. Both were elaborate and gold, identical in every way but size. Well, size and the fact that a partial skeleton occupied the smaller chair. A strange symbol had been carved into each bone.Beyondcreepy.

Honestly, the guy kept getting more interesting by the second.

Rathbone eased into the empty seat and placed his hand over the skeleton’s. An astonishing gesture of affection. His intense eyes—allof his eyes—zeroed in on Neeka. “Here is the deal I offer. You will find Lore’s clavicle, right ilium, metatarsal, left femur, and skull. In return, I’ll refrain from annihilating your loved ones while you watch.”

Her gaze returned to Skeletoria, several puzzle pieces clicking into place. Aaah. Okay. Neeka’s previous self must have picked up on the king’s intention, figured out where the remaining bones were located, and made arrangements to meet him, determined to cash in. Right?

If only she could remember...

“Nothing to say?” he prompted.

Plenty. “First, the joke’s on you, Red. I’ve always loved a good annihilation.” Smug, she fluffed her hair. “Second, why put your girl back together? She’s dead.” Just in case he needed the reminder.

“She is. For now.”

Ohhh. Planned to revive her, did he? “Guess that makes her a part-time mate, full-time problem, amirite?”

His lids narrowed. “I’m willing to pay you well,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Complete my tasks, and I’ll reward you with unparalleled treasure, provide you with a kingdom of your own to rule, or oversee the deaths of your greatest enemies. Whichever you prefer.”

Her heart leaped. No one adored padding a nest egg more than Neeka. In an uncertain world, security mattered. “Granted, I probably would’ve ended the relationship rather than court a carcass, but baby boy, did you pick the right day to bargain with me. I’m currently running a special. Buy any two of my services and pay full price for both! Which is all three of your suggested payments,” she explained with a grin. For such a bounty, she would find a way to remember what she ate for breakfast nine hundred moons ago, if necessary. “Also, you’ll agree to post the online review I write for you.”

“Done,” he responded without attempting to negotiate. “You’ll be paid as soon as the job is complete.”

“Wrong. I require a down payment.”

“I’ve allowed you to live. That is down payment enough.”

“That’s fair,” she said with an enthusiastic nod. A smart negotiator knew when to push and when to accept.

He arched a brow. “Do we have a deal?”

“Not quite.” The finer details needed hammering. “What’s my time frame?”

Lowering his chin, he drummed his free fingers on the arm of the seat and stated, “You told the fae prince you had located the bones. If that’s true, and it had better be, you will complete the jobtoday.”

Um... “What fae prince?” When? Where?

Rathbone ran his tongue over straight white teeth. “If this is a game you play, oracle—”

“No game,” she interjected. “Blame my brilliant ability. It sometimes filches my memory.”

He showed no mercy. “I suggest you filch it back. Fast.”

Time to buy herself a little, well, time. “Sorry, big guy, but you just guaranteed a tomorrow delivery at the earliest. Pressure only delays my unbeatable results.”

The muscle ticked in his jaw again. “And what speeds up your results?”
