Page 78 of The Wrath

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With everyone else, she pretended to be what they desired most. With Azar, she seemed to delight in revealing her inner evil. A punishment for overseeing her murder, he supposed.

Or maybe she worked with Erebus, his enemy. The male loved to toy with their emotions, leaving them in abject misery. Perhaps she pretended with Azar, too, giving him what he secretly desired. How frustrating it was to know everything and absolutely nothing at the same time.

“Are you Jezebel?” he asked.

“Maybe. Maybe not. Does it matter? Whatever name you call me, I’m still me.”

Yes. Still loathsome. “Grenwich told me you assisted with the bone’s acquisition. Tell me why,” he commanded. “You know I plan to kill you again.”

She pouted a little. “So no spanking then?”

His fists tightened, his knuckles threatening to crack. “Answer the question.”

“Fine.” Straightening, she said, “I did it because I wanted to. Obviously. Now, about that boon...”

“Half answers receive half boons,” he grated.

“Oh, very well. I did it because I knew you wouldn’t change your mind about bringing me to life. But Rathbone might. You should see the way he looks at his oracle. It’s sickening, really.”

“I could change my mind.” He pushed the words through clenched teeth. He would never change his mind.

“Ha! When the time comes, you’ll do whatever I command. You won’t be able to help yourself.”

Her unwavering confidence drew a panicked response from deep within him. “Forget,” he demanded under his breath.

A tinkling laugh escaped her. “You can’t forget what you did, and you know it. Eventually you’ll have to face the truth. You won’t be able to ignore the consequences of your past.”

He fought to keep his mind focused solely on her. “Why aren’t you upset? The red king has affections for another female, yet he is your fated.” What did the goddess comprehend that Azar didn’t?

“Ishe my fated?” She sauntered over, halting mere inches away. “How can I be his...when I’m your gravita?” Her tone dropped to a husky whisper. “Can’t you feel the connection between us, sweetness?”

The suggestion, and ridiculous endearment, went straight to his head, fogging his mind. What if theywerefated? What if—he narrowed his eyes. “Your ability to influence the thoughts and emotions of others has strengthened.”

“I know.” She fluffed her hair. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

“Even still,” he continued, “you will never command me.”

Her smile returned, only much wider. “We’ll see.”

Azar would have happily parted with an array of internal organs to reach into the spirit realm and throttle her. Lore wasnothis gravita. Deal with her for the rest of eternity? No. He might dream of her and hunger for her in ways he’d never hungered for another, but he truly believed walking into a firstone blade—the only weapon capable of ending him—was preferable to connecting his forever with hers. She would make an already miserable existence more so.

“Rathbone might change his mind, he might not,” Azar stated. “I’ve been told trouble is soon to brew between the king and his oracle.”

“Thanks for the information.” Lore tilted her head, frowning with the barest hint of confusion. “But why tell me, thereby aidingmycause rather than your own?”

“I want you to know I will defeat you no matter the odds stacked against me. The moment you are tangible, Iwillstrike, ending you for good.”

She rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Astra, but I’ll just revive yet again, thanks to the Song of Life. You won’t be winning this.”

He said nothing else. Because he understood what had to be done to end her permanently. And he would be doing it.

“By the way. I’ve decided on my boon.” Simpering at him, she twirled a strand of dark hair around her finger. “After you bring me to life, but before the ceremony ends, you’re going to kiss me—and mean it. I expect tongue, teeth, and heavy groping. Don’t disappoint me, doll.” With that, she vanished.

He bit back a bellow to demand her immediate return. Good thing. Roc appeared in his bedroom, his customary scowl more pronounced than usual.

The Commander got straight to business. “We have captured the oracle, Neeka. She refuses to speak with anyone but you, and Taliyah refuses to let us rectify the situation with our customary methods. Therefore, you will question her. But I do not want the goddess’s bone anywhere near her.” He held out his hand, expectant. “I will take it for safekeeping.”

