Page 85 of The Wrath

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Yeah, Rathbone deserved that. “Do you hate me more than you want her punished?”

The fish swam apart, then drew together again to spell the worddeciding.

Once again, the fish parted and reassembled, showcasing another face—Neeka’s. The placement of the red scales made her look as if she was splattered with blood. The wordsdying wonfloated beneath her.

His brow furrowed. “Dying won?”

More ripples through the water, as if Styx had just heaved his own sigh. Some of the fish traded places to turnwonintonow.

Dying now.

Rathbone roared. Neeka, dying?Get to her!Without delay, he teleported to the island where he’d left her. He wasn’t fond of the oracle, but he didn’t want her dead, even to save himself.

Panic stirred when he found no sign of her. Lapping waves had washed away her footprints. His guts twisted. No need to go searching the rest of the island. She’d taken her chances in shark-infested waters to reach the harpy palace, hadn’t she? And she’d done it while wearing a wing pinner he’d purposely left on her.

Air abandoned his lungs in a rush. She was supposed to stay here and consider the error of her ways!

He knew her. Should have realized... Neeka might not defend herself against emotional hurts, but she always met physical danger head-on.

He plowed a hand through his hair, his part in this whole debacle dawning. No wonder she hadn’t told him the truth about her visions and goal. Look what he’d done. Add in his threats on day one and his continued habit of putting his quest above her life, and she’d had no other choice but to keep secrets.

She’d done the wise thing, and he’d punished her for it. Guilt attacked, ravaging his lungs.

Get to her.Rathbone stashed the orb and emerged on the other side of the sea. The usually crowded beach was deserted, not a single harpy nearby. Where had they all gone? And why?

On the hunt, he flashed his way to the palace. Searching, searching. Every common area was deserted, harpies nowhere to be found. Then he appeared in the overly crowded foyer, and the entire population seemed to be squeezed together, everyone speculating about “the Unwanted” and whether she was or was not a traitor.

Desperation drove him forward. He shoved his way through to the front—Horror nearly drilled him to his knees. Neeka sprawled on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood; Azar stood nearby, his arms crossed over his middle as he stared off in the distance.

Claws extended from Rathbone’s nails, rage using every other emotion as fuel. “Did you do this to her?”

Azar flipped up his gaze, spotted him, and shrugged. “From what I hear,youdid.”

Rathbone flinched as gasps sounded around him. Harpies backed away, chanting, “Fight, fight, fight.”

He ignored them as he fixated on the oracle...she was so still. Too still. Shouts of denial echoed in his head.Not again.Neeka couldn’t be dead. He needed her. The world needed her. She added so much flavor.

“Give her to me.” Had her right index finger twitched? Hope bloomed into urgency, supercharging him.Get to her!She required his blood, and she required itnow. “Hear me when I say nothing will stop me from leaving with that oracle.”

“The only way you exit this palace is in pieces.” Azar unsheathed two daggers.

Vibrating with aggression, he considered his options. Every second counted. Fighting the warlord—make that warlords. The other Astra materialized around them, creating a barrier, and it was clear they’d already been briefed on the situation. They spread their arms to block harpies while glaring at Rathbone.

Well. They’d made his decision for him. If the nine wished to battle, they would battle. But only as long as it took for Rathbone to reach his oracle. He needed only to touch her to teleport her to safety.

He braced to launch himself at his main opponent. Azar bowed up, ready to block.Now!Like an arrow, Rathbone shot forward—grinding to a halt when Taliyah appeared between them.

“Why weren’t you where I expected you to be?” she demanded, shoving him toward Neeka. “Well, what are you waiting for? Medicate my girl. You’re the only one who can.”

He dove to his knees and reached for Neeka. At the same time, Azar dove for him, securing a metal cuff around his wrist. To prevent him from flashing?

He couldn’t bring himself to care. Gently cupping Neeka’s jaw, he tilted her face in his direction. Ice crystalized in his veins. A multitude of bruises, knots and gashes marred her.

“I will make you better.” Another vow. Though she couldn’t hear his promise. He’d tell her again when she was able to watch his lips. To see the truth in his eyes.

The Astra closed in, but Taliyah held out her arms, commanding, “No one touches him—yet.”

Moaning, Neeka parted her lids and slowly focused on Rathbone. Between two heartbeats, she began pushing and kicking at him, fighting to create distance. All the while, she shook her head in denial, opening and closing her mouth. Choking noises left her.
