Page 87 of The Wrath

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Argh! Neeka stomped around her old room, catching sight of her reflection as she passed the full-length mirror. The image made a motion, as if to say,Well?They were eager to converse about their new Rathbone-less future, but they had company. The General sat by the hearth, sharpening an array of daggers. Neeka was on house arrest until Taliyah convinced Roc of her trustworthiness.

Had Neeka changed the future at least?

Though she’d done her best to force a vision, she’d failed.

Dang Rathbone! He’d screwed up everything, showing up out of the blue, acting the hero. As if he wasn’t the one who’d endangered her life in the first place! And the way he’d watched her when Azar and Halo escorted him out of the foyer, possessiveness seeping from his pores...

He had no right!

They were over. Utterly done. No hope for a second, third or fourth chance. Thanks, but no thanks. Rathbone might relish the idea of being her consort and receiving free oracle services for eternity, but he didn’t like her. The bare minimum necessary for having a relationship with her.

Why did he wish to speak with her, anyway? There wasn’t a good reason. But oh! Curiosity was getting the better of her.

No, no. She must stay strong. In fact, Neeka’s next move was obvious. Find the remaining bones and protect those she loved.

If you wish to save everyone, Neeka, you need only—

The final words she’d heard in the Hall of Secrets whispered through her mind, a thorn in her side. She didn’t recognize the voice, because ears. Had she spoken to the female directly? A past conversation she’d forgotten?

What else had the mysterious stranger said? What did Neeka need exactly?

Silly question. She needed Lore vaporized, that was what. “Did Azar find an orb when he searched Rathbone?” Guaranteed the Astra performed a thorough frisk before locking up the king and throwing away the key.

“Nope.” The General continued swiping a blade against a stone. “Why?”

“That orb houses most of Lore’s skeleton, and Rathbone is the key to open it.” So what had he done with the thing? Pacing faster, she inquired, “You told Roc about Grenwich, yes? How she’s willing to let both our people die to ensure I suffer.”


When her friend offered nothing more, Neeka tossed up her hands. “What is with these one-word answers? Does Grenwich remain on the Astra’s payroll or not?”

“Yep,” Taliyah repeated, still sharpening. Swiping, swiping, back and forth. “Roc said the decision to work with her is Azar’s, and the Memory Keeper is determined to keep her.”

Dang it! “I hate the thought of her looking forward to a payday. And it’s a good one, isn’t it?” Better than Neeka’s? Well, her former payday.

“Oh, yeah. Amazing. Azar promised to deliver Rathbone’s head on a platter...and to facilitate your return to Ahdán. Speaking of, the Phoenix is alive again.”

Neeka swallowed a screech of frustration. More trouble. Great. If something didn’t break her way soon... “I’ve got to find those last bones and change the future,” she said, forging ahead. Because what else could she do? Give up?

“You mean you aren’t planning to visit your consort to prevent him from hunting you down?”

Shivers cascaded over her. An embarrassment to the nth degree. But it wasn’t her fault. The promise he’d made was just so danged sexy. Judging by the heat in his mátia, he intended to do things. Sensual things. An outcome she must guard against.

Cherry Bomb could make mincemeat of her insides with only a few words. As he’d proven on several occasions. Let him have another go at her? No! Never again. He’d abandoned her, ending any hope of a romance between them. His loss.

Granted, he’d come back. Fed her his blood. Allowed himself to be captured.

Softening again?

No!Walk away from me, don’t bother crawling back.Why would he crawl after her, anyway? He had his precious Lore.

Neeka bared her claws. Speaking of the monster-spawning goddess... Something prodded the edge of her memory bank. Something she had forgotten or missed in the visions. But what?

“I need to calm down and clear my head so I can get my vision on.”

“I know,” Taliyah replied. “That’s why I’m here.”

“Uh, I hate to shatter your illusions, babes, but you aren’t a source of tranquility.” T-bone was a force of nature.
