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“That’ll solve it. Although, I feel like you probably have the law on your side. It’ll just take a little while to churn through all the red tape.”

“That’s what my lawyer said. I think we’re going to take the fast route, although we haven’t really discussed it.” Ezra looked at Alaska with his brows raised, and she nodded.

The policeman stayed for just a bit more, giving a few details of the arrest, before he left.

For the first time that day, Alaska was alone with Ezra and her children. Probably being alone should make her scared, but as long as Ezra was there, she knew he would do whatever was necessary in order to protect her. And she appreciated that. It made her feel safe. Even if there wasn’t a big crowd of people around.

They made lunch, although Alaska wasn’t hungry. Ezra ate, and so did Eugene. And then they put both kids to bed, and went back down to the living room.

“I’ve been trying to figure out a way that we can work things so that you never leave me. I... I can’t just stay in the house all day, and I know you can’t haul the kids around all the time. Maybe once we get this Chalmer thing figured out, we won’t have any more issues, but... For me anyway, I’d like to have you pretty close.”

“I’m not going to turn down extra time with you. I have to admit to being petrified today, but I also knew, in my heart, that whatever happened, God was in control. I think that while it’s smart to take safety precautions, we can’t just upend our lives. We have to admit that all the things we do will never be enough if God isn’t on our side, protecting us.”

“Wow. That was really good. I knew that. But... I guess I put a lot of responsibility on my shoulders to take care of you.”

“And I appreciate it. I feel safe when you’re around. But I also know that you’re human. You can’t be everywhere all at once, and you can’t run this ranch if you have to babysit me all the time.”

“I don’t consider it babysitting. I consider it an honor and a privilege to get to have you.”

“Really?” she said, and she knew she shouldn’t have the flirty smile that wanted to break out on her lips, but she did.

“Really.” He returned her smile.

They grinned at each other for a few minutes, before he seemed to shake himself.

“Anyway, I’m going to try to work close to the house for the next few days, but I already told Caleb I was taking tomorrow off. I was hoping that you and the kids might enjoy going for a picnic. I know they’re kind of young, and honestly, I’d rather have just you. I feel like... Like I want to spend a little time with just you and me. But, I don’t think I will let the children out of my sight, even with Nelda, who would do a great job, and who I know would defend them with her life.”

“Don’t you think it’s a God thing again?” Alaska asked, almost unable to believe that she would be willing to allow the children out of her sight. After the huge scare they had today, she thought she would never feel comfortable with them not being immediately beside her.

“Yeah. I think you’re right.”

“I don’t really want to leave them, but I also think that it’s important that you and I spend time together. I agree with you there.”

He nodded. “Maybe I can see if Caleb will stick around the house tomorrow and keep an eye on Nelda as she watches the kids. How will that be?”

“That sounds great.”

“You know, we decided that we would talk to some ladies in town because you didn’t think that you could be a good wife. I guess I feel like you don’t really need to do that. You’ve already been better to me than I deserve, and I don’t think the ladies in town could teach you much of anything.”

“Oh, I think they could. And I’m always willing to learn. I always want to be better. But, it means so much to me to hear you say that you think I’m going to be okay. I want to be a good wife.”

“And I want to be a good husband.”

“I think part of being a good husband is not sleeping on the couch,” she said, with her brows raised.

He grinned a little, and she reminded herself that she was not going to do anything to try to change his mind. Although, she supposed it didn’t hurt to remind him every once in a while of what she wanted, just in case he might decide that he wanted the same thing.

Her heart just about leapt out of her throat when he said, “I think you’re right.”

A smile spread across her face, and happiness seemed to burst inside of her as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. She lifted her face, and his head was already lowering.

That kiss was every bit as good as the kiss the night before. And she really didn’t want it to end, but he pulled back and he said, “You know, I never believed in love at first sight. And I think I would probably be the last person in the world that anyone would think would ever fall in love that fast. But, there was something about you from the first time I saw you. Something different. Something that pulled me. I don’t think it was a wrong feeling. In fact, I think it just might have been the Lord saying that you are perfect for me. I love you.”

She caught her breath. She hadn’t expected him to say anything like that. It definitely took her by surprise. But, it was a good surprise. The very best kind.

“I love you too. Because, I think it would be impossible not to. Not just because you’ve given me more than I ever thought anyone could, but because I admire you, and I can’t think of anyone that I’ve ever enjoyed spending time with more. Or talking to. I knowyou’ve done a lot for me, I don’t know if I can ever make it up to you, but I’m going to try.”

“You don’t need to try to do anything. Or make anything up. You are perfect just the way you are.”
