Page 18 of The Wiseguy

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I’d never experienced that moment when all time stood still, the very second where the world ceased to exist around me.

Until now.

And in those few beautiful seconds, I was no longer the daughter of his best friend, the young girl he’d been sworn to protect, I was a woman in his eyes.

Then the unthinkable happened, the one beautiful moment that I’d longed to experience for so many years.

He crushed his mouth over mine.



I’d been kissed before by boys over the years, but the passion Maddox exuded, the masterful way in which he managed to snag both my wrists in one hand while cupping my jaw with the other left me tingling all over. My pussy throbbed, so much so I sensed the increasing dampness between my legs. My nipples were hard as tiny pebbles, pressing into my dress, which was clinging to his suit jacket.

Maybe I’d fantasized about him too many times, but this was one of those cases where reality was much better than the fantasy. His actions left me breathless, the way he swept his tongue back and forth, dominating mine leaving me in a state of shock.

And the taste of him was spectacular, the combination of scotch and cinnamon teasing every nerve ending, my throat parched for more. I wiggled under him, maneuvering one leg free so I could press my bent knee against his thigh. The intimate moment took on a surreal set of sensations, and I prayed the few seconds of passion would turn into something else entirely. Even the wayhe was digging his long fingers into my cheek was exciting, allowing me to envision us in the throes of a wicked tryst.

There was nothing more I wanted than to have his naked body pressed against mine, to bask in the heat of our needs while we surrendered to our desires.

When he suddenly broke the kiss, I couldn’t keep from whimpering, darting my eyes back and forth across his as I struggled to arch my back.

He released his hold on my wrists, the powerful man taking deep, gasping breaths. I was certain he would come to his senses, admonishing me for temping him. When he eased onto his knees, I was certain of it. I remained stunned, unable to blink or even breathe. When he yanked off his jacket, pitching it aside, I was floored.

“You ran away. You knew better than to do that.”

“I needed some space, a little air.”

A slight growl erupted from deep in his chest, his look as admonishing as I knew it would be. “You know better than to try and get away from me.” When he pointed his index finger at me, I sensed the desire coursing through him was at a point of becoming uncontrollable, the electricity we shared crackling like live wires dancing in a thunderstorm.

That left me breathless, incapable of thinking clearly.

“How did you find me?” I managed, shivering to my very core.

“You think I don’t know you, Zoe? You really believe that after all these years I have no clue about the woman inside? This is your hiding spot, the place you always went to when you were upset. I used to stand outside watching you, ensuring your safety.”

“You did? I didn’t think anyone knew.”

Huffing, he eyed me carefully, as if uncertain what he wanted do. When he rubbed his knuckles across my cheek, an audible moan escaped my mouth. “I know everything about you. Every. Single. Detail.”

Oh, my God. Talk about fantasies coming true. “You still think I’m a little girl?”

He half laughed. “You’re a woman, alright. A dangerous, beautiful, forbidden woman,” he muttered, the tone so low and husky that I had to strain to hear what he was saying. Lowering down, he opened his hand, brushing the tips of his fingers down my face to my neck, his chest rising and falling as he agonized over the moment. He had no idea what he was doing to me, the tingling sensations that clouded everything else.

“Damn it. This is wrong,” he said, starting to pull away. I grabbed his hand, pulling myself up by a few inches.

“Why? I’ve wanted this for years.”

“Don’t say that. I’m all wrong for you, Zoe, and it’s not just about the fact I’m your father’s best friend.”

“Maddox. Please. No one needs to know.” There. I’d said it. I’d finally found the courage to break free of the protective shell.

The expression on his face darkened even more. I was certain the man was going to ravage me. And that’s exactly what I’d hoped for. He continued to hesitate, his wheels spinning. Then I had a feeling there was no going back, the line we’d crossed dangerous yet one we’d both wanted. I was light as a feather, giddy and so into the man that I was certain nothing could ever break us apart.

Yet the moment he yanked down the thin straps of my dress, exposing my breasts, I was in a complete state of shock. He was brutal in his actions, as if there wouldn’t be any chance of saying no.

As if I could do that.
