Page 26 of The Wiseguy

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Snorting, the Capo of the family faked beating his head against the wall. “Arman thinks he can handle everything his way. He doesn’t understand we have old enemies who want nothing more than to slide into New Orleans.”

“He gets it. He just refuses to believe it could be an issue.” The patriarch of the family had made enough enemies during his reign that it would be next to impossible to pick just one contender for the attack. While I’d tried to keep track of them over the years, even I’d grown complacent given the change in the business model by going legit. I’d been a fool all the way around.

Francois nodded, catching the eye of his wife, Delaney. “The South Americans swore revenge after the last war we had with them.”

“That was years ago. Fucking years. Alturo’s entire world imploded after the shit that was pulled in Key West.” Raphael Alturo, the brutal dictator of a South American cartel had nearly destroyed the Thibodeaux Empire several years before, coming closer than anyone had at dismantling the organization. Shipments of diamonds had been stopped for some time, but Arman had refused to allow the newer lucrative and very legal business to remain idle but for so long.

While we’d used alliances to clean house in Cartagena, nearly rendering Alturo’s powerful empire useless, it had stuck in the back of all our minds that one day someone would pick back up where the destroyed regime had left off.

Only this didn’t feel like the South Americans. It felt closer to home.

“Yeah, but we can’t discount the possibility,” Francois said. “Once we know about Arman’s condition, we’ll have a meeting, including with Pops.”

“Someone from his past?”

He snickered. “Maybe. Dad made a hell of a lot of enemies over the years, Arman trying to become the peacekeeper.”

“Something you couldn’t stand.”

There was a strange look passing across his face. “Let’s just say I would handle things entirely differently.”

Yes, he would, which irritated Arman and was the single reason they argued as brothers.

“You need to rest and gather your strength. You might have your chance at doing just that.” I turned toward him, giving him a hard look.

“You know what’s funny?” he asked absently, his voice riddled with exhaustion. “That’s not what I want. Not in the least. Maybe it’s because since being with Delaney, I understand more about what Arman has been trying to accomplish.”

“And what is that?”

He thought about his answer before providing it. “Normalcy. If there’s such a thing in our world. A place where our kids don’t need to look over their shoulders or have bodyguards. That’s what Arman has been trying to accomplish and he’s been telling it to me for a long time. I just didn’t get it.”

“Yeah, well, the lack of security added to the horrible event.”

“Maybe so, but bad shit can happen to anyone at any time. I can’t blame him for wanting his daughter’s return to be everything he’d hoped it would be. I’m sending Thomas to Texas to handle business there.”

I nodded, noticing the man was pacing the hospital corridor, trying to console Raven, his daughter. He was also like a brother to Arman, growing up with him until he’d left the family fold about the same time I’d entered the picture. Once believed to be a traitor, the former FBI agent had taken an executive role within the company years before after leaving his former position.

“That’s a good idea. He needs to check and ensure that Devin Carlos hasn’t reared his ugly head again.” The man had caused us difficulties years before, playing a hand in almost getting both Raven and Zoe killed in a horrific warehouse fire, trying to lay claim to our Texas stronghold at the same time. I’d blamed myself for not being there for Zoe as I should have been, but things had gotten dicey. Just like they had with Alturo, the South American dictator who remained in seclusion. I’d tried to convince Arman to eliminate both enemies, but he’d chosen otherwise.

At this point, I’d already created a mental list of the most brutal enemies the family empire had faced during the last few years. The two names came to mind quickly, the others incapable of planning a revenge operation like we’d just experienced.

“I doubt Devin would be that stupid.”

“Are you willing to put the life of any family member on that bet?” I eyed him carefully.

“No, you’re right. I’ll have Thomas look into Devin’s current situation and see if there’s any unusual activity in South America.”

“Good. The sooner we rule out those potentially responsible, the better.”

“Agreed. Go to Zoe, Maddox. She needs you. In case you haven’t noticed, the sun rises and sets when you walk into a room, the girl lighting up.” He nodded toward the opposite end of the waiting room. “She’s taking this really hard.”

What the fuck? I wasn’t certain what to say. “She sees me as some fucking hero when I’m not.”

“There you go again not taking enough credit. Be her hero. Especially if something happens to Arman.”

Something. He meant if the man took his last breath. If that occurred, I’d never forgive myself. Then I’d become the one who burned down the city if necessary to find the culprit.

“If that tragedy occurs, I’ll need you by my side. Is that understood?” Francois said far too casually in my opinion. “You are vice president.”
