Page 49 of The Wiseguy

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His booming laughter sent another wave of chills through me. He had a way about him that was as infuriating as it was delightful. His signals with me were mixed, although I knew he was doing everything in his power to make me feel morecomfortable. Instead, I was lost in the fantasy, refusing to give up on my tantalizing dream of being with him forever.

I knew I was being foolish, my youth showing every time I acted like a brat or had these kinds of thoughts but for the first time in as long as I could remember, I felt like me.

“No, I think I know the woman standing on the shore pretty darn well,” he said, and it was obvious he’d moved closer.

Tensing, I did my best not to turn around, but I couldn’t help myself, twisting my head to the side, struggling to see the surprise. Damn it. He’d hidden whatever he’d done pretty well.

“What do you think you know about me, tough guy?”

“Hmmmm…” He’d moved even closer still. “I know that you’re an accomplished musician struggling with the fact you’d prefer to play music rather than become a nurse. Although you do have a natural instinct for helping people.”

“Everybody knows that. You’ll need to try harder to win me over.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

“I certainly don’t think you want me to hate you.”

He hesitated, his heated body so close I felt a buzz all around me, the current even more electrified than before. “No, Zoe. I don’t, but if that’s the way you need to feel, I will understand. As long as you can trust me.”

“I do trust you. I just…” This was already going downhill. “What else do you think you know?”

“That you’re exactly like your father.”


“Meaning you’re highly intelligent. You have a strong family and work ethic. You would give the shirt off your back to someone in need. You’re passionate about everything in your life, refusing to take a back seat to anything or anyone. But the difference is that you still live in a world where you believe in the best in people.”

“I hope I always will.”

Suddenly, I felt the rough pads of his finger brushing against my shoulder, a drink appearing in an insanely adorable plastic glass seemingly as if by magic.

“I hope that for you too,” he said gruffly, flanking my side as soon as I accepted the drink.

“And what is this?” I dared throw him a glance, biting my tongue to keep from saying anything else. He was even more handsome than before. If that was even possible. The sun had baked me, but his skin was more golden brown, adding another dimension to the aura surrounding him. The way the light breeze tousled his hair forced goosebumps to dance down my arms.

“Just a little tropical concoction I created.”

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to get me drunk.”

“Only this isn’t an alcoholic beverage,” he said as he finally turned toward me. “Not until dinner.”

“We’re having dinner? Here?”

“Turn around.”

The moment I did, I pressed one hand across my mouth. Seeing a fire going in the sand, rocks surrounding the flames, was incredible. “How did you do that?” There was also a blanketpositioned just so on the sand, items placed on the surface. This was as close to paradise as I’d ever seen.

“I’m not giving away my secrets.” He winked. “Come on. Are you game for making dinner together?” He backed away, grinning wider than I was used to seeing him do.

“What do you have in mind?”

“You’ll see, but only if you come toward the blanket.”

I gave him a saucy look, glad that we were both able to let go, if only for a little while. I sashayed closer, watching as he tugged out something from the cooler. It took me a few seconds to realize what he had. “Shrimp and oysters?”

“Only the best. Granted, it would have been better if we’d caught them ourselves.”

“Beggars can’t be choosers. I can’t remember when I had seafood last. You know my dad is a huge meat lover.”
