Page 5 of The Wiseguy

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Everyone had one.

Mine was killing people.

The grin remained as I reached the front door. Goddamn, the people had the worst taste in music, the singer screeching out lyrics that made no sense. Whatever. I wasn’t here to critique their choice in music. Even if I bothered knocking on the door, there wasn’t a chance one of them would hear me. At least the loud volume would cover up any noise made, including Gina’s screams. The girl took being a screamer to new level.

The door was unlocked and as I walked inside, I slipped on the brass knuckles. They weren’t in the living room or the kitchen and they certainly hadn’t been out on the sagging back porch. That meant one thing.

They were engaged in activities in the bedroom.


As I headed down the crowded hallway, boxes piled against the wall on one side, I felt taller than ever. The low ceiling wasn’t something I was used to, my six-foot four-inch frame coming close to hitting the wooden beam. There were two doors, the cramped bathroom empty. The door to the bedroom was partially closed. I was amused the music couldn’t hide the animalistic grunts and snorts coming from inside.

I was already reaching the end of my patience. Another few seconds and I’d lose my temper, which wasn’t something Rick wanted me to do. Bad things happened when I did, violent and bloody things that no one could recover from. I had no intention of getting my suit bloody. That wouldn’t bode well for the two hundred guests Arman and Raven had invited.

I kicked in the door, half laughing when the two lovebirds paid no attention. Gina was in full control of the moment, Rick shackled to her bed in silk scarves. After a few seconds of waiting and being ignored, I finally cleared my throat.

Gina reacted first, throwing her head over her shoulder, snarling as she glared at me.

“You need to leave, Gina. I have business with Ricky alone,” I told her.

“Fuck off,” she said, as if my sudden appearance was nothing more than a slight hindrance. She’d made no bones about the fact she didn’t like me, even going as far as to threaten me on more than one occasion.

Without a second of hesitation, she allowed me to see how ambidextrous she was, spinning around then leaping off the bed like a goddamn cat. I was shocked she landed smack against my chest, immediately pummeling her small fists into my face.

I was forced to grab her wrists, tossing her off me easily, but she wasn’t going down without a fight, throwing her body toward me. This time, I took a step out of the way, snapping my fingers around her wrist. At least I’d come prepared, dragging her out of the room and into the kitchen. By all rights, I should treat her just like I would any other asshole who accosted me, but I couldn’t do that. Maybe I was growing soft in my advanced years. The thought brought another snicker to my lips.

“Get off me, you fuckhead!” she screamed.

“That’s not going to happen. However, you will need to calm down.”

She had the nerve to rake her nails down my cheek. Now she’d pissed me off. I snapped my hand around her throat, pushing her up against the edge of the counter. While she continued to fight me like a wildcat, I managed to rip out the handcuffs I’d brought myself, slapping one around her wrist, the other around the handle of the oven.

Before she had another chance to cause more blood, I backed away, shaking my head. “You should learn not to fight with the Boogeyman.”

“When I get loose, I’m going to kick your ass. You’re nothing but a cockroach that I plan on fumigating.”

The girl truly believed she was tough. Well, good for her.

“Whatever you say.”

“Goddamn you, prick. You bastard. I will fucking kill you.”

She was screaming obscenities as I took long strides out of the room, wincing when I touched my cheek. The bitch had drawn blood. Great. I’d need an antiseptic and likely a rabies shot. Just what I needed.

I returned to the bedroom, shocked to find that Ricky had managed to get himself out of the restraints, trying to fit his oversized body out the small window. It would have been a comical sight had I not been in such a pissy mood.

I wrapped my hand around the back of his thick neck, yanking him back onto the bed. I could tell instantly he was hyped up on drugs, his bloodshot eyes the first indication, the second the fact that he was stupid enough not to take his beating like a man. When he lunged for me, taking two wild swings, managing an undercut to my jaw, I hissed then kicked him square in the chest.

He tumbled backward, sliding across the slick sheets, his body slamming against the wall. Taking deliberate steps around the bed, I yanked him up by the throat, issuing two brutal punches. The music might be loud, preventing me from hearing the moment his nose was crushed, but given blood spewing toward me, it was easy to see what I’d done.

Fortunately, I was quick on my feet, dodging the gore seconds before it landed on my jacket. I issued one more to his kidneys then allowed him to slide down the wall. He stared at me with fear in his eyes and while I’d originally wanted to make this as painful as possible, I’d grown weary and bored with the fight.

“You fucked with the wrong people, dickhead. Didn’t you know stealing is against the law?”

He blubbered something I couldn’t understand.

“Sorry. I can’t hear you.” I replaced the birthday gift with my weapon, sighing when he beckoned me to come to his level with his hand. Fuck. Seconds later, I dropped down to a crouched position, chastising myself for playing with my target. “What is it, Rick? Are you trying to apologize, begging for another chance?”
