Page 53 of The Wiseguy

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“Daddy wouldn’t let that happen. Would he?”

Maddox looked away, remaining stiff and on edge. Another wave of dreaded tension slipped between us and I couldn’t stand it any longer. This felt like a merry-go-round ride and I was ready to get off.


“Do you know why the bubble is still there with regard to who you are, Maddox?”

The man did little more than throw me a quick look.

“Because you refuse to tell me anything about yourself. Not really anyway. You continue to act as if I’m made of glass, which I’m not. Don’t do that. If there’s something going on I need to know about, then tell me.”

“Something going on? Do you mean like you almost being taken away from your fucking family?”

His anger was intensifying, enough so a lump formed in my throat. “I just want to know more about you. That’s it.”

“Fine. What is it that you so desperately want to know, Zoe? If I sleep with my gun on my nightstand at night? That answer would be yes, always. I also always have one in the bathroom with me. I don’t leave the house without a fresh magazine of ammunition either. I’m an assassin for your family. That’s not going to change because you want to see me as something else, something less ruthless.” He half laughed under his breath as if I was a silly girl for thinking otherwise.

“Why do you do that?” Now my tone was demanding.

“Do what?”

“Act as if me asking you questions is such a big deal to you?” I heard the shift in my tone and huffed. Every time we got a little close, he pulled away, acting as if nothing mattered to him. Certainly not me.

“Because you don’t deserve to learn the truth about me. You have this perfect man locked inside that big brain of yours. I’m not that man.”

“Why? Do you beat puppies in your spare time or enjoy ripping away canes from old ladies at the bus stop?”

He stared at me with bug eyes, and it made me laugh all over again. “First of all, I don’t think I’ve taken public transportation since I was a boy in school. Second, and more important, I doubt a puppy would dare get next to me.”

“That’s right. They do tend to sniff out bad odors.”

“Are you telling me I stink?”

“Your attitude does.”

“I’m just being honest with you.”

“You’ve been everything but honest with me, Maddox. I told you I wanted to learn more about you, and you act as if I’m digging into your private life. I doubt you have a private life. You’re like some Stepford soldier, a drone and nothing more.” I jerked to my feet, taking a few steps away from the blanket. I hated the tension settling between us. I’d never been so frustrated with anyone in my life.

“Fine, Zoe. Then ask your questions by all means. Whatever you want to know, I’ll be honest with you. But be careful what you ask for. For your information, I do have a private life.”

“Right. Whatever you say.”

“Ask. Go for it.”

Goddamn the man. I pressed my fisted hand against my forehead, trying to keep from lashing out at him. “Oh, I don’tknow.” I failed on the first try. “Let’s see. Your favorite color. Your favorite food. Your favorite movie. Your favorite dog. Your favorite restaurant. How about if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Or maybe, just maybe you could tell me what you do in your private time since you insist you have one.”

As Maggie would say, honey was dripping from my mouth, luring the fly to my lair so I could eat him alive. I rolled my eyes from the thought.

“Okay. Orange. Seafood.It’s a Wonderful Life. Anything that won’t bite me. A little place called Cajo’s on this island. St. Barts. And I enjoy reading when I’m not working.”

By the time his answers settled in, I was certain he was lying to me.

Or making fun of my questions and the situation.

My reaction was without hesitation and fueled on the ugly frustration that refused to go away. I spun around, tossing the rest of my champagne into his cocky-ass face. “How dare you treat me that way. What a fool I was to think for a single moment that we could even be friends. You act as if you’re holier than thou, as if I’m not good enough for you. Damn you, Maddox. Damn you for treating me as if I’m just a little girl. And damn you for making me fall in love with you.”

Oh. My. God.
