Page 85 of The Wiseguy

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My hackles were immediately raised given Devin Carlos ruled a portion of Texas. “Your buddy is certain? This dude is someone you can trust?”

Shrugging, he glanced out the window. “Mickey encouraged me to get the fuck out of New York. He was the one who suggested the Thibodeaux family. That’s why I moved here. I know you don’t trust me, Maddox, but I am loyal to the family. More than you realize.”

His attempt to assure me of his loyalty was because I’d raised the point to Francois more than once, including the moment I’d finally managed to get the man on the phone after the hurricane.

“Can you track this guy?”

“I can try, although Lucas’ reputation is to stay in the shadows. Just like the Boogeyman.” Tony grinned as he referenced my other name.

I sucked in my breath, taking a few seconds to exhale. When the door opened again, both Tony and I shifted our attention.


He studied me as if he didn’t know who I was, finally nodding in respect as he walked in. While I could swear the man losttwenty pounds during his hospital stay, he was alive and walking without the need for assistance.

“I’ll see what I can do, Maddox. I can’t promise anything.”

“Let me know,” I told Tony, waiting as he acknowledged Arman before walking out, closing the door behind him.

Arman walked closer, eyeing me carefully, slowly lowering his gaze to the drink in my hand. When he walked closer, I noticed a strange expression on his face. As he stuck out his arm for a handshake, I was suddenly more awkward than I’d ever been around my good friend.

The hesitation was as strange as the moment.

“What’s wrong, my friend?” he asked. “You don’t appreciate gestures of thanks?”

I felt like a shit, lower than low. When I finally accepted his gesture, he pulled me into a hug, which was something he’d never done before. My reaction was to stiffen.

“You save my daughter’s life not once but four times in less than a week. You’re a real hero.”

When he backed away, I immediately pulled my hand free. “I’m no hero and you know it. I was doing my job.” I’d told both Francois and Thomas what had transpired with the attacks, although the conversation at four-thirty in the morning less than thirty minutes after we’d landed had seemed more like a debriefing.

Or an inquisition.

“Is that all there is?”

“Meaning?” I asked, taking a purposeful step away.

“No man goes through that kind of peril if they don’t have strong feelings for the people or persons they’re protecting. You truly are a member of this family. You are without a doubt my closest friend. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. Name your price for keeping her safe.”

Ah, shit. The guilt continued to rise like bile in my throat. “As I said, I was doing my job, and yes, I do care about your family. You all are my family.”

“I know that. Lighten up, buddy. We’re getting closer to getting to the bottom of this nightmare. I don’t know if Francois told you but the reason that we haven’t seen Raphael Arturo’s ugly face is that he was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia several years ago. He finally came to the United States for treatment but from what I’ve heard, and it will be confirmed, he’s on his deathbed. We can rule him out.”

While I hadn’t been told, I knew what we were going through had something to do with Devin, especially after what Tony had just informed me of. I had no reason to disbelieve him, although I had asked Thomas to have both his and Landry’s recent activities checked as well.

“It would appear Devin Carlos is behind at least a portion of what happened.”

He laughed, the sound becoming bitter. “So it would seem.”


“Meaning that’s what I suspected all along.”

The man was lying. It would appear both of us were. It was time to end the charade before things got out of hand.

“I need to ask you a question, Arman. That might change your mind about our friendship.”

He moved slowly toward the leather chair near the window, wincing when he sat down. “I doubt anything will, but you do have me curious.”
