Page 93 of The Wiseguy

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Devin was smart enough to raise his arms instead of attempting to grab his weapon, which I assume was located inside one of his drawers. He was a Texan after all. He had ancient rifles and animal heads on his office wall, proud of his trophies and his ancestry. I’d boned up on the man’s heritage and his business practices prior to leaving New Orleans. His great-grandfather had been vital to the growth of San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas, his grandfather and father following in the man’s footsteps. He’d been given legacy at an early age, only eighteen.

I suspected the brutal man had killed his own father in order to grab the reins so young. I wondered if he realized his own son was in the same position. Perhaps I should tell him to watch his back when we left.

Of course, I was assuming the man would still be alive.

“That’s not my signature,” Devin insisted.

“Then how did it get there?” I demanded.

“I don’t fucking know. I sign a lot of crap. Anyone could have forged that.” Devin half turned in my direction. The hint of fear was mostly masked but not his indignation.

“You’ll need to prove that you didn’t make this arrangement. One which would allow you to easily grab a significant portion of my business instead of wasting your time using your buddies to derail us.” Arman watched the man’s reaction, shaking his head.

Devin exhaled. “Look. We are businessmen. You and your goddamn brother charged onto the scene just like your father did. You ignored my offers. You acted as if you were going to drive me out of my own state. You bet I came out fighting.”

“That’s going to end right now. You will work together with the Thibodeaux estate,” I stated as Arman and I had discussed.

“Why should I do that?” Devin turned toward me, cocking his head. I sensed true curiosity in his eyes, a hint of amusement that we were suggesting working together.

“Because you and your family get to live if you back off your bulldogs.” I said the words matter-of-factly. “If not, your daughter will suddenly disappear first.”

“You wouldn’t do that!”

“As of this moment,” Arman stated, “your daughter is surrounded. We’ll take her, your grandchildren far away and you’ll never see them again. That’s just for starters. That’s in retaliation for trying to marry off my daughter to your son.”

“I’m telling you. I did not sign that goddamn contract!” Devin slammed his fist on his desk, the force knocking the papers and contract to the floor.

The moment was interrupted by Thomas’ phone ringing. He’d been extraordinarily quiet for hours, pensive without offering any reason why.

I glanced in his direction and without looking at either Arman or me, he walked out of Devin’s office to take the call. That surprised the hell out of me.

Arman used the interruption to take a few long strides forward, wrapping his hand around Devin’s throat and jerking him halfway over the desk as he jammed the barrel into the man’s temple.

I inched forward, giving my best friend a hard glare. Killing Devin wasn’t part of the plan. At least not unless absolutely necessary.

“You’ll need to convince me that you didn’t enter into a bogus contract,” Arman said.

Devin’s face paled as he gripped Arman’s arms. I walked closer to ensure things wouldn’t get out of hand, eying both Tony and Landry to ensure they were in position if things got ugly.

“It’s just not possible,” Devin said with full sincerity in his voice.

“Why?” I intervened.

Arman squeezed his fingers, forcing Devin to choke. I could tell my buddy’s anger was getting out of hand.

“Because…” Devin started, his voice strangled.

“Go on,” I encouraged. Thomas returned to the room, his demeanor entirely different than when he left. “Talk. Now!”

“Because my son is gay.” The words flew from Devin’s mouth, spit out as if disgusted by being forced to admit it.

Arman’s expression didn’t change for a full ten seconds. When he glanced in my direction, he started to laugh, releasing his hold. “You’re kidding me.”

Thomas walked to my side, his face imploring. “We need to talk,” he said to me only.

I threw up my hand, glaring at him. That he’d chosen this minute to interrupt the situation was unusual. And very disconcerting.

“No, I’m not kidding you. My son wouldn’t touch your daughter. He’s already… involved with some guy out in Houston. Which is why he’s no longer a part of my business.”
