Page 55 of Freeing Her Cheetah

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“I want some answers before that happens. I can get those answers while I’m alone with him,” I point out. I have no problem with killing him.

“What about the others the rabbit said were with him?” Bash asks.

“We have to herd them in the opposite direction,” I suggest.

“That’s going to be difficult if they are protecting him without revealing ourselves,” he offers.

“Difficult, but not impossible,” Elijah says. “We have to get the others. Whoever wants to be involved can be. There are no hurt feelings if they say no.”

“Asshole, no one is going to say no. We are family now,” Laken finally says. “We will protect Saylor and watch your crazy ass.”

“We will, too.” Logan steps forward.

“I would rather watch Saylor’s ass,” Lucas smirks.

“Death wish, brother,” Las says sadly.

“Watch yourself, Lucas,” Elijah warns.

“Just a joke,” Lucas pouts.

The women look at each other and roll our eyes.

“What about the man you have hanging in the club? You could use him as bait for Grant’s friends,” Sally suggests, licking the sugar from her fingers.

“How the fuck do you know this shit?” Elijah demands.

She shrugs. “I’m small. You need to learn how to trust, cowboy,” Sally tells him.

“Can we all agree to not say the word trust anymore,” Elijah shouts, his fists clenching.

“Why don’t we meet up later?” I keep one hand on his chest but turn to address the crowd. “We can make a plan.”

“Of course,” Bash concedes first, nodding once and then disappearing.


I have heard how fast vampires are, but hearing and seeing with your own eyes is different experience.

“I’ll find you,” Sally says, squeezing my shoulder as she leaves.

The lions leave without a word, but Laken stops beside us.

“We will do whatever you need us to do. We want the threat to your mate gone.” He tips his chin and follows Bishop and Penny down the stairs.

I watch them until they are all gone before turning back to my struggling mate.

His eyes are pained. His teeth are destroying the toothpick.

“Do you want to go on a run?” I ask.

He startles but nods.

I let him take the lead and my hand, following passively behind the house.

The trees surround us out here, the dense forest swallowing us the further we go. I’ve been dying to explore the area. Nature is where our animals feel at home.

Elijah slows next to a large tree. He releases me and turns to face me as he removes his shirt. When we shift, we need to be naked if we don’t want our clothes to be shredded. I can’t help the thrill that goes through me at the sight of him, though. When he pushes down his pants, I decide I need to push away the heat and catch up.
