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My blood boils and I turn to go but Tom grabs my hand, “Please, Penny. Let’s have a drink for old times sake.” He smiles.

“I am in the VIP section,” I comment.

As I enter the VIP section, I look over at Kervyn, who nods to me, and I smile, waving Tom into the VIP section. I casually walk over to the bar, “A whiskey please, and whatever he wants.”

”You’re so kind,” Tom says, leaning against the bar. “VIP hey? You must be doing well. What job are you doing now?”

“I’m in aleadershipposition,” I smirk. I know Kervyn can hear me.

“I was rather upset the last time we saw each other. Knowing you’d used me like that Tom…”

He presses a finger against my lips. “No. Don’t bring up the past. We’re going to move past that and move on.”

“I wouldn’t do that,” I say, looking at him directly. “He doesn’t like when people touch what’s his.”


Kervyn takes Tom’s hand and breaks his finger by yanking it backwards. Tom cries out and holds his hand. “Who the fuck are you?” he shouts.

“Oh, you didn’t know? This is Kervyn Milov. He’s my husband.”

“Did you come looking for my wife?” Kervyn asks Tom directly.

“No. No sir. I wasn’t looking for your wife?”

“Do you know Penny, he bumped into you on purpose. I was watching him.” Kervyn looks at Tom and takes him by the scruff of his neck, “Maybe we should have a conversation outside. Man to man.”

Tom whimpers and shakes his head. “Please. No.”

“Do you know who I am?” Kervyn asks.

“Penny’s husband.” Tom whimpers.

Kervyn chuckles. “Indeed. I am also a very scary beast, little Thomas.”

Kervyn slams Tom’s head into the bar, breaking his nose and dropping him to the floor. Kervyn straightens his jacket. “I’ll get rid of him, then we can have another drink.”

“Don’t hurt him anymore, my love. I go to kiss his jawline. “He’s pathetic and I have no more interest in him.” I look down at Tom and I give him the sweetest smile.

I watch as Tom is hauled to his feet. He’s begging for them not to hurt him.

Leon nods to me and leads Tom out of the club.

I take Kervyn’s hand and lead him upstairs to his office, suddenly very aroused by just how manly my husband is compared to a weakly like Thomas.

“Where are we off to?” He asks with a dark chuckle, but his hand is already groping my ass.

“To make more babies.” I grin. “Our first one needs a friend.”

I smile and turn to kiss him.

He shuts the door behind him as we go to tumble on his sofa as various people party below us. It felt so good to have Tom thrown out and to know how attractive he found me in the end. It felt even better that I didn’t care about him. I care about Kervyn, my king and he makes me feel like the sexiest woman alive.

All hail the Queen.


