Page 135 of Shadows Of Dusk

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Caspian:Amulets or not, be careful. There’s a car waiting for you downstairs. The keys are in the center console.

I roll my eyes dismissively at Caspian’s remark and sprint out the door.

My stomach churns with nervous energy.

Hurrying to the garage with the first aid kit at my back, Val following close behind as I feel for each of the concealed knives throughout my clothing, reassuring myself that I didn’t forget anything.

Just as Caspian promised, there’s a black sedan with tinted windows by the door and keys in the center console. I slide into the driver’s seat, taking a deep breath and start the engine.

I carefully park the car on one of the side streets, ensuring that it’s inconspicuous and won’t draw any unwanted attention.

With the address set on the GPS on my phone, I know we’re close to our destination. The anticipation humming within my body intensifies as we approach the property from the east under the cover of darkness.

Caspian’s description of the compound proves to be accurate.

It’s expansive, well-guarded and fortified. The lush foliage lining the perimeter adds an extra layer of concealment as we make our way along the designated path.

The five minutes of brisk walking feels like an eternity with my senses on high alert.

As we approach the servant entrance, it’s somewhat overgrown and appears to be seldom used, which works to our advantage. Crouching down near the bushes, I carefully survey our surroundings.

The property has an electric fence perimeter, and as I peer through the darkness, my gaze falls on multiple guards patrolling near the house.

They engage in casual conversation, seemingly unaware of our presence and completely oblivious to the hell that’s about to descend on them.

I avoid checking my phone for a time since the bright screen could give us away. Instead, I estimate the passing moments for what feels like an eternity. I’m guessing we have been waiting for around thirty minutes when gunshots break the silence of the night.

Relief washes over me that Caspian’s team has started their part and I tamp down the hope that he’s unharmed as he goes in.

The guards on patrol twist and turn, torn between their stations and the urgency of the unfolding battle until a commanding shout pierces through the chaos, carrying over the sounds of gunfire as it echoing across the property.

My heart beats surprisingly steady as the guards abandon their stations and rush toward the front of the property.

They sprint away clearing the path before us as Val and I proceed further into the heart of the compound. We move cautiously to the building, and I tighten my grip on my daggers, grasping one in each hand with the blades angled to my elbows for quick, effective strikes.

That’s assuming my semi-healed injuries from days ago don’t get in the way.

Keeping low to the ground we dash past the entrance and across the lawn to the door of the building, blending with the shadows along the walls.

Adrenaline surges through my veins as I twist the cool metal of the knob with caution, tugging it open as Val and I slip inside. Stepping into the dimly lit marble corridor, I scan the surroundings to find it surprisingly vacant. I motion for Val to follow as we head deeper into the building.

The chaotic symphony of distant shouts and gunshots echoes in the distance and as we turn a corner I halt abruptly at the two armed guards in our path. They stand tall, blocking access to a set of stairs that descend toward the basement.

With a surge of adrenaline, I make a split-second decision. Taking a step forward to catch their attention hoping Val remains hidden in the shadows.

As the barrel of their guns swing toward me, time slows down as my body taps into speeds I didn’t know I possessed. I launch myself to the side of one guard and spin on my heel, parrying his gun away from my body.

With a single, precise stroke, I bring the sharp edge of my dagger across the guard’s neck. The air fills with a brief, startled gasp as his eyes widen in shock. The crimson line deepens on his throat, splattering in my face as he gargles.

The guard’s gun slips from his grasp, falling to the ground with a clatter as he clutches his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding.Val dispatches the second guard quickly as his powerful jaws find purchase on the man’s throat in a sickening crunch.

Within seconds, both guards are heaps on the ground as we move to descend the staircase, our footsteps echo in the empty space.

We get into two more skirmishes, leaving the broken bodies of armed men in our wake as we continue our advance. The air around us crackles with an electric tension that builds with every step.

The mere thought of Darian being at Dolly’s mercy ignites a raging inferno of raw fury that drives me forward.

Finally, we arrive at the bottom of the staircase, facing a large set of doors and my heart pounds frantically in my chest.
