Page 12 of Healing For My Soul

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She knew better than to put me on the spot and ask if I would be bringing her along. When Nesha left, I turned to Yendi, and she smiled. “So, sometime between five and seven?” she asked.

“I have a meeting in an hour. It should only last an hour or so. I should be home by three to take a shower.”

She nodded. “Well, I look forward to it. I just texted you.”

I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw the message. As I was about to check it, it started to ring. She sat back in her seat and allowed me time to answer. “Henderson Farms. This is Jakari Bolton. How can I help you?”

“Hey, son. I called from someone else’s phone. I just needed to hear your voice. Your mother said you were doing well. I just wanted you to know that I love you, and I’m proud of you.”

I slowly pulled the phone from my ear and ended the call. I immediately blocked the number, then looked up at Yendi. My face was hot as hell, and I couldn’t stop the frown from forming. “I gotta go. I’ll hit you up in a lil while.”

I stood from my seat and got the fuck out of there.



Iwasn’t sure what Jakari’s phone call was about, but it clearly bothered him. He was dark complexioned, but the red hue was as visible as the flames of hell. The frown that followed made me shiver. He looked like he was about to fuck the diner up. When he stormed out, a couple of the men seated followed him out, as well as his mother. A couple of members of his family looked over at me like they thought I’d done something. I simply shrugged my shoulders, indicating I didn’t have a clue as to what happened.

I stood from my seat and was heading to the door when a young man who looked a lot like Jakari came inside. He walked right up to me and said, “J told me to apologize for the way he left.”

I gave him a soft smile and a nod as he smiled. He was definitely a cutie. He seemed like the flirtatious type. I could tell by the way he scanned my body. I walked past him and out the door to my car. I was surprised that he cared enough to apologize. I supposed he was right about him being different around his family. He was softer, but that BDE was still at the forefront. Had that man told me to suck his dick at the table I would have probably seriously considered that shit.

I was literally hanging on his every word and what I thought he was thinking. When he told me to say what I meant and I did, I thought I’d fucked up when he didn’t respond right away. Then I realized he was playing with me, just like he thought I was playing with him. While he had a ton of people to have his back, I had no one. I was out here in these country sticks all by myself. I wasn’t playing with him. I was trying to be cautious, despite what my body was wanting to do.

When he slid his finger over my lips, I almost pulled it into my mouth to suck. Had I done that, he would have canceled his day for sure. So to say I was anticipating his arrival this afternoon was an understatement. Despite all that, I was still worried about how he was feeling. Clearly, nothing had happened with his family, because most of them seemed to be in attendance, besides the kids.

I wanted to call and check on him, but I felt like he would shut me out. He didn’t seem very forthcoming with his personal information. While we really didn’t even get past our ages and educational background as far as getting to know one another, I could tell by the way he diverted the conversation to sex. I understood that I was basically a stranger to him, but I got the feeling he was like that with everyone. I just happened to “pull a fast one” on him by going to the diner today.

I knew it was owned by his family, but I was only hoping that he would come through today. Just because it was family, that didn’t mean he had to eat there. When he spoke to his mother, I knew it was him. I could never forget his smooth ass voice. His voice wasn’t deep, but it wasn’t high pitched either. It was that of the typical male, but it was so smooth, almost like he was about to sing or something. It had remained calm and laidback until he said he had to go before he bolted.

After parking in the lot, I grabbed my purse and my satchel and headed inside my condo. Once I dropped everything on the kitchen countertop, I poured a glass of wine. While the day hadn’t been long, my nerves were on edge about what I was about to do. I seemed so confident in what I wanted earlier, but I knew that man was going to slut me the fuck out and have me all in my feelings.

I put my food in the fridge then headed to my bathroom to start the shower. As I stepped into my room, it seemed it hit me all at once.My daddy is gone.I burst into tears and couldn’t stop them from falling even if I tried. I wasn’t trying. I missed him so much. If my phone was dry all day, I could count on it to ring at least once in the evening with a call from him. If he didn’t call me, I surely called him.

Now, a huge part of my life was missing, and I didn’t know what to do to fill the void. Not only did I lose him, but it felt like I’d lost my mother and most of her family too. None of my aunts and uncles called my siblings or me to offer condolences when he passed, and strangely, out of the two months he was in the hospital, none of them came to see about him. Out of my hundreds of cousins on my mom’s side, only a couple of them checked on him when he was alive, and a handful checked on us after he passed.

My dad’s family wasn’t nearly as big, and we weren’t as close to them. I checked on my aunt and one of my uncles and they checked on me. That was it. Since my mom had spread so many lies about not only us, but my dad also, it felt like we were ostracized by our own family. She’d even gone as far as to say my dad had a newborn. My exact reaction when I heard it was,what the fuck?

When I told my dad that, he asked,how?We laughed about it, but I knew he was hurt by the things she was saying about all of us. The tears continued streaming down my face. Setting my wine glass on the vanity, I disrobed and got in the shower, hoping that by the time I got out, the tears would be gone as well.

* * *

The knockat the door caught me off guard. While I knew it could only be one person, I was expecting him to call or text to let me know he was on his way. It was only three o’clock, so I was glad that I had taken a shower as soon as I got home. I was somewhat tipsy, because I had drunk that entire bottle of wine, trying to drown out my sorrows.

After peeking through the peephole, I opened the door for Jakari. His eyes were filled with emotion. I couldn’t tell what exact emotion it was, but there was something dark about his gaze. I stepped aside and let him in. Once I locked the door, I turned around to find him standing there watching me. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yeah. You have anything strong? Or did you drink it all?”

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I almost lost my balance. “I drank a bottle of wine. I do have some Henny if you want that.”

“That’s fine. You drank the whole bottle?”



“Why did you bolt out of the diner?”
