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“Not a problem. I’m Ella Person, by the way.” The woman was almost bouncing in place. “This is my husband, Lance.”

“I’ll be paying for it,” Lance said.

She smiled. “That’s very nice of you.”

“It’s for our thirtieth wedding anniversary,” Ella said. “I’ve told my children for years they can do anything they want even if it means breaking the rules. Just not to get in trouble.”

“Or get caught,” Laine said. “I like the way you think.” She might be that way with children someday too.

She followed the rules when she had to, but most times made her own.

She took their information down and they left her to finish her drink. She was excited to work on this and hoped it didn’t fall through. Oftentimes it would when pricing was delivered, but if they were going to buy something at the showing tonight, they had deep pockets.

She finished off her crackers, had half her club soda left and was close to calling it a night. It was past eleven at this point and she couldn’t wait to get back to the island tomorrow.

As much as she tried to change her flight, she couldn’t get out any earlier than noon. About two hours in the air and the time change put her at Logan around three. Thankfully Lincoln would get her there and back on the island right after and much faster than driving through traffic and trying to get on a ferry ride, or waiting for one.


She turned her head to see a man in a suit standing next to her. He’d been at the other end of the bar drinking and watching her for the entire time she’d been here.

He’d smiled a few times, she nodded back but nothing more.

“Hello,” she said.

He leaned in close. “How much do you charge?”

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“I overheard you talking to that couple about your agent and pricing. I know those are the terms you’re using to not draw attention.”

Her mind went blank for a second. “Attention to what?”

“You know what,” he said, his eyes moving up and down the length of her.

Oh my God. He thought she was some fancy escort or something.

She held back the giggle. “I think you’re mistaken,” she said. “But I’m flattered.”

“I don’t think I am,” the guy said, moving closer. More into her personal space. “I think you’re just fussy and waiting for the right person. Or the right amount. Name your price and I’ll double it.”

“No price because I’m not for sale,” she said firmly.

“Everyone says that,” the guy said. “I’ll make it worth it for you.”

She realized now he was slightly slurring his words. He must have been sitting there working up the courage to do this.

“No,” she said. She started to get up and wanted to go to her room but knew the guy would probably follow her.

She looked at the bartender hoping he’d come to her aid, but he was busy talking to other people.

How many times had her father told her to be careful in situations like this?

Though she wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was in the bar of her hotel drinking a club soda and minding her own business.

When she stood up to move away, the guy gripped her arm to pull her out and she tried to yank it loose. This was getting out of hand.

“Don’t fight me and cause a scene. It’s not going to change anything and might get you arrested. You don’t want that, do you?”
