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She knew Avery was probably with Carter so Josie wouldn’t have been left alone. And Avery would have come, if it was an emergency, but she figured she could get there by herself.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” her father said.

“It’s fine. Might hinder my pottery-making for a bit, but I’ve got a lot in stock. I’ll be good.”

She sold a lot of pieces on the island and did it more for fun along with the classes she taught.

“You’ll figure out how to make it with one hand or have a unique design in it with the splint.”

“There is that positive thinking,” she said. “So what is going on with you this week? Been getting a lot of swimming in?”

Her father had a beautiful pool in the backyard. He didn’t use it much, but he had a lap pool next to it. Her father swam daily. That was the first part of his exercise routine. For fifty-three years old, her father had ripped abs and biceps. His shoulders were huge. He was strong. Stronger than most men with his upper body.

Laine knew it was part of his image. That part where he wanted no sympathy so he’d show strength in every other part of his life he could.

Normally that was throwing money around.

“Always,” her father said. “But this summer I’ve been working on my tan. I’m out by the pool now.”

“Good for you,” she said. “I miss it.”

“You can come home any time you want. You can move back too. The guest house is empty.”

She laughed. The guest house was the one she and her mother lived in for years. She could walk to her father’s anytime she wanted even though they had split custody.

“Maybe for a visit,” she said. “I’ll check out my schedule. Not sure it will work in August, but maybe September if you’re around.”

“I’ll make the time for you. You know that.”

She’d heard that a lot in her life. But now she knew she wouldn’t make the arrangements to visit for more than a few days because it didn’t seem he had more than that available.

“You always do, Dad,” she said.

She heard a pause in his phone and knew he’d be getting off. A call was coming in.

“You’ll let me know if you need anything. You’re going to see a specialist, right?”

“I will make an appointment tomorrow. If I can’t get in on the island then I’ll have to go to Boston.”

“Don’t go alone,” her father said. “Do you still keep in contact with Roger?”

She let out a sigh. Roger was the name of the guy her father had commissioned to be there for her if she needed anything. Just like there was Nick when she was in college. Brent was the person before she moved to Amore Island. She’d done her stint in Manhattan because it felt like the place to be and her agent was there. Her first showing was there. She made a ton of money there still.

But Boston was a second best that had since lapped Manhattan. She’d been sick of the big city life but knew she could be close on the island.

For the past several years it’d been working out wonderfully.

“No, Dad,” she said. “I barely talked to him to begin with. Hope he’s not billing you.”

“He’s on retainer,” her father said.

“Stop it,” she said. “Really. You don’t need to do that.”

“It’s my money and you’re my daughter. I just want you safe.”

She’d heard it enough. “I am. Except for my little pinky. It didn’t fair well with the dance routine.”

Her father laughed like she wanted. “Keep me posted,” he said.
