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“Allowing what?” she asked.

“The nonstop phone calls. The tears and fights when I wasn’t around for her. At times she’d make innuendos that worried me.”

“As if she’d harm herself?” she asked.

“She’d never come out and say it, but she’d make comments about not knowing why she was alive. No one loved her. If there were enough pills to take away her pain.”

“You wouldn’t have needed that on your shoulders.”

“No,” he said. “But I couldn’t walk away.”

“Because of guilt?”

“Yes,” he said. “Hudson saw what was going on. He tried to tell me.”

“Did you listen or fight?” she asked.

“Hudson and I didn’t fight much.” But his brother did try to get him to see things. Maybe he was blinded, but slowly he came around.

“Then what happened?” she said. “I’m going to assume you broke up with her?”

“I did,” he said. “It wasn’t just that she wanted so much of my time. She wanted me away from my family.”

“I can’t see you leaving your brother,” she said.

“They always say you’d do anything for those you love, but I didn’t think it enough back then. That wasn’t an option for me. When my residency was up, she wanted me to look for jobs anywhere other than Boston. It felt as if my heart was being cut out.”

“That is how I feel when I leave the island,” she said. “I never thought I could explain it as much, but I think you can get it. There is something about this place that speaks to your soul that you just belong here.”

“Yes,” he said. “Brynn didn’t like the ferry. She didn’t like flying. She didn’t want to be on an island.”

“You could have stayed in Boston,” she said. “And still be close to your family.”

“I could have and would have. A good compromise,” he said. “But she didn’t like Boston either.”

“I can’t say I blame her. It’s a lot of people packed in a small place. It’s hard to move around at times.”

“It is,” he said. “When I was looking for jobs, I only applied in Boston. I wasn’t worried about not being hired somewhere.”

“Because your father was there and you’re part of the Bond family?” she asked.

He wasn’t going to take exception to her words. “It might be one of the few times in my life that I was glad I had the connections that I did.”

“There is nothing wrong with that,” she said. “Sometimes we have to do what we can or take what we can to get where we need to be.”

He’d hoped she’d understand.

“When Brynn found out, she and I got in a fight. I told her this wasn’t up for debate. She could find a job in Boston if she wanted.”

“Did she want to work?” she asked. She put the pasta in the boiling water.

“Not really. She wanted to stay home and have kids and raise them. She didn’t finish college. She’d been annoyed that I wouldn’t move out with Hudson and get a place with her. She ended up moving in with us.”

“Ouch. Who ended up being the third wheel there?”

“Her,” he said. That had been another problem. Brynn was jealous of his twin even though Hudson was rarely around. Neither of them was.

“Another reason why you moved out of Hudson’s when Delaney came into the picture?”
