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He didn’t take offense to that.

“Ever hear that sometimes nice guys finish last?”

“I don’t believe that,” she said. “I think there is no finishing last or first. It’s just finding what is right for you and that could take longer for some than others. I mean, here I am, thirty-three and still single too.”

“I’ve got a few years on you,” he said.

“And you’ve had a lot more years of schooling you had to focus on too.”

He liked she understood that. And more so if she knew his roots, then she knew it wasn’t as if he had to do what he did for a living. That he chose to be a doctor like his siblings and father, his grandfather, uncle and many other ancestors. But they would have supported anything he wanted to do.

Brynn had tried to get him to change and she couldn’t understand that wasn’t happening.

He wasn’t going to let those thoughts cloud this beautiful day either.

“You’ve had to focus on your career too,” he said. “It takes time to get exposure.”

“It does,” she said. “I’m talented and that means it doesn’t take as long. Or as some would say, maybe my father gave it a nudge.”

“Oh?” he asked.

“Part of what I’d like to explain to you so you don’t think I’m nuts about the wheelchair phobia.”

“You’re not nuts,” he said. “Not that I can see.”

“Just a little out there,” she said. “It’s been said before. That and my carefree attitude gets confused with my being an airhead. I like to feel life. You never know when it won’t be there or won’t be the same.”

He’d never heard of someone describing life like her.

“Like it takes some people a longer time to find what is right in life, it takes others less time to find what makes them happy. Good on you for figuring that out.”

“I like you, Carson.”

“I like you too, Laine. I’m assuming that is why you invited me here?”

“The same reason you found a way to seek me out so quickly.”

He grinned. “Then there is something else we’ve got in common. Why don’t we have a glass of wine, sit on your deck and you can tell me what is on your mind and why you invited me here to talk?”

“I can do that,” she said. “You open the wine and I’ll get the glasses.”

She pulled out an opener and he got to it while she placed the glasses down.

He poured them each a glass, then they picked them up. He held his up, “To funny dance moves on Amore Island.”

“I’ll drink to that,” she said, giggling.



The two of them were on her deck.

“This is a beautiful view,” he said.

She was looking out over the cliff to the Atlantic Ocean.

“Thank you. I’ve got no water rights or anything. No beach access. That’s fine for me. I like just having the view up here. The winter trek on this road after a snowstorm isn’t so wonderful, but it’s not like I’ve got to leave either. If I can’t open the studio it’s not a big deal.”
