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She used the word date. He’d go with it. “We can do that. How about we get to our lists? Did you bring yours?”

She bent over to get her purse on the floor by her feet and pulled out several pieces of paper. Shit! No, no, shin. Got to get the swearing out of his head. Even if he didn’t say it out loud he had to at least be thinking it.

He had one half sheet of things.

“I can see by your face you’re a bit stunned. Remember, I’ve been making this list for years. There are a lot of things crossed off of this. Those are at the bottom. I move them down whenthey’ve been completed, but I never delete. I shouldn’t have printed it all but I was in a hurry.”

“Oh,” he said. “And good point about making it for years. I’ve only had a few days to think of it.”

He reached for her list and he handed over his that he’d pulled out of his pocket.

He was scanning and started to laugh. “We’ve got a few of the same on there.”

“I see that,” she said.

“I’d say I know what our first adventure can be if you’re willing. The second on my list.”

“That sounds like a great way to spend our time,” she said.

He looked at it more. “Can I keep this list so I know?”

“Sure,” she said. “It’s only a copy.”

He’d been adding to his list on his phone which was syncing with his computer. “I can let you know when I add more to my list,” he said.

“I’ll do the same,” she said.

Their food was brought out and they started to eat. He had about forty-five minutes to get to work at this point. He wanted to drag out the dinner as much as he could. It wouldn’t take them that long to eat. Not with the burger and fries he got and the salad with salmon on it that she did.

“Do you not like greasy food?” he asked. He should know if she was a health freak or not. She’d cooked him chicken too.

She looked up from her salad where she’d just poured the dressing over it. “I love greasy food. Not on a first date.”

“Second. You cooked for me. That should be the first.”

“Good point,” she said. “Maybe I was trying to impress and not look like a slob any more than I had the night before in stained clothes. If you looked close enough not everything was paint.”

He started to laugh. “I was trying not to stare.”

“Sometimes when I’m painting I crave food. I love French fries and ketchup. Lots of ketchup. It’s a crime to eat them plain with salt.”

“You mean like this,” he said, picking one up and popping it in his mouth naked of the red sauce she mentioned she loved.

“Evil,” she said. “Yellow or spicy mustard?”

“Spicy. If you’re going to say yellow because it’s bright and cheerful, don’t bother. I’d rather not think of you eating that.”

She giggled, then reached over and snagged one of his fries, got the ketchup bottle on the table and all but dumped it on that single crispy potato then popped it in her mouth.

“Spicy,” she said. “It’s the only choice there is.”

“Then I think we are going to get along on so many levels.”

Laine winked at him and went back to her salad. “We will. Trust me.”


