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She chose the moment he was getting ready to release the ax to make that statement and he missed the board completely for the first time.

She burst out laughing.

“Not funny. You did that on purpose. Now you need to answer me. Do you really do yoga naked?”

She walked over to pick up the ax for her last throw. She got it ready, assumed the position, turned her head and said, “I’ve been known to do it.” Then she threw the ax calmly and controlled and landed it close to the bullseye without hitting it exactly. It was her best throw of the day. Almost like a mic drop in her mind.



Carson was having a crazy hard time getting the idea of Laine naked and bending over in different poses out of his mind.

Damn her for saying that.

He wasn’t even going to try to come up with another polite swear word in his mind either.

He was just happy he didn’t let that slip out loud, but he was positive she would have laughed at it.

“Now that that is over with,” he said when the timer went off on their session. “How about we check out the arcade? I think there are some old fashioned pinball machines in there.”

“That sounds like fun,” she said. “Something not on my list that I’ve never done. I never thought of it either.”

“Good,” he said.

She walked out in front of him and his eyes landed on her thin legs eating up the path on the way to the flashing lights and sounds. There were more kids than adults in there, but he didn’t care. He was positive she didn’t either.

He bought a bunch of tokens so they could move around and take their pick of games to play.

“May the force be with you,” she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward theStar Warsone.

“You knowStar Wars?” he asked. This was a shock to him.

“About as much as everyone else in the world does that hasn’t seen all the movies.”

“How many have you seen?” he asked.

“A few. When I was younger. Not that I followed along but went more to see what the fuss was about. Not my thing, but it was enjoyable. How about you?”

“I’m sure I’ve seen more than you but not since before college.”

“The same,” she said.

He handed her the tokens. “Ladies first.”

“Oh,” she said. “You don’t need to show me how to do this first?”

It was the humor in her eyes that stopped him from blushing. Maybe he was trying to show off a little with the axes.

He was only human.

“I think you’ve got this,” he said. “I didn’t want you to hurt your finger again. By the way, how is it doing?”

“Feels good,” she said. “I’ve got an appointment with an orthopedist next week. I’m sure he’s not going to tell me anything that I don’t already know, but doing my due diligence.”

“Good girl,” he said. “No reason to not make sure there wasn’t more damaged than just the bone.”

He didn’t think there was. Not with the way she’d injured it.
