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“Then I know it’s serious,” Hudson said. “What’s next?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “That’s the hard part.”

“Don’t think of Brynn,” Hudson said.

“You said the B word. I told Mom not to bring her up and she did.”

“Because she’s worried you’re going to get hurt again. Since Brynn you haven’t been serious about anyone. You don’t rush. You drag your feet for everything. You barely even say when you’re dating anyone to Mom or Dad at all. I’m the only one that ever knows. That’s not you and never has been. You shouldn’t have changed who you were because of one bad experience.”

“It was a long bad experience. And you know as much as you did because we lived together,” he said.

“Do you want to rush?” Hudson asked.

“Yeah. Is it that obvious? Did you with Delaney?”

“I did. But I’m not you. I’m more serious than you too. You’re the fun twin.”

He’d always been the one that was. Not that Hudson was completely serious, but it was the big difference between the two of them.

“I am,” he said. “But even being fun or wanting to have a good time, it was different with Laine on Saturday.”

“No need to explain,” Hudson said. “I understand completely.”

“I knew you would.”

“Do you want to come to dinner at some point? Delaney will want to meet her.”

“We’ll get there,” he said. “Not yet. It’s been three dates if I count the next day where she cooked me dinner to explain why she acted the way she did at the ER.”

“That’s another thing,” Hudson said. “Do you think she normally does that? I’m willing to bet she doesn’t explain herself to many.”

“I thought that too,” Carson said. He was holding out that maybe Laine felt as strongly as he did but was keeping it to herself. Or could be she was talking to Avery about it like he was to Hudson.

Not that he could ask her that.

“So back to my question. What is the next step?”

“I’m not sure. We texted on Sunday and then yesterday.”

“Who reached out first?” Hudson asked.

“She did Sunday afternoon. Not that I hadn’t been thinking of it, but I held off. We didn’t even text that much. Just making plans for the next activity.”

He didn’t want to be the only one reaching out first. That would be the rushing thing he told himself not to do.

“Is that what we are calling it now?” Hudson asked, laughing. “Sounds like it’s more than ‘activities’.”

“I wish. But not bringing that up either.”

The last thing he wanted to do was push there. Not when it came up about his past. He wanted her to know he could be respectful of her pace.

That was why his kiss had been slow and almost sweet. He’d only wanted a small taste of her lips. She was the one who turned it into more and he couldn’t have been more thrilled that she had.

Her hands went up and around his neck, her body next to his.

He couldn’t help himself and his fingers went to her waist. Maybe he lifted her shirt a little to get a touch of the smooth skin on her stomach, but she didn’t seem to mind.

“Don’t blame you,” Hudson said.
