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“I do, Áine.”

Lead me out to sea by the throat.

“I’m tempted to say it’s the untranslatable words that are the most fascinating,” she started whilst taking to toying with the hair along his nape. “They’re the ones that stir the most in me. I think because of how secure they are to their culture.”

Splitting himself in half for how much her words and hands concurrently aroused him, he at least made the point to maintain some eye contact before managing a response, “I—I agree. And maybe I’m going slightly off topic, but it’s kind oftranslatable; the idea ofEunoia. I always liked that word. Found it fascinating.”

“Ahh.” She grinned near devilishly, her hand tightening more on his hair to bring his mouth away from her neck and closer to her own words. “But did you fascinate over it because it’s the smallest word in the English language to present all five vowels or because of the philosophy behind it?”

A smile curled onto his lips too. Loosening himself from her grasp, he kissed her more. Kissed her better and harder and stronger than he ever deserved.

How she just knew these tiny little things that made her quip and take lumps out of his skin and ego to leave behind the scars of her allure—it amazed him.

“Can’t it be both?” he asked as he pulled from her, hands absently caressing the smooth inner of her thighs, a region he, or anyone else who had the pleasure of exploring, could only describe as ‘delicate’.

Stealing a fleeting glance at his ever-rising fingers, she managed a single-worded answer, “Yes.” It trembled out of her.

“And I’m guessing you are a rhetorician when your words are intended to impress and persuade, which is the definition of rhetoric.”

It appeared to Fionn some urge to debate suddenly forced her hands to switch to manual by gripping him through his jeans. “Why not think I prefer the views of Aristotle when I was the one who brought him up tonight? Wouldn’t that be the logical guess?”

Taking a masterfully divided share of him, his blood raced first to his ears and second to his already stiffening groin. With all his remaining strength, he just about managed to answer her question;

“It would be if I had met you for the first time tonight . . . Ugh.” He eyerollingly sighed to her touch. “But . . . but I didn’t.”

The bemusement blotched her cheeks in specs of pink for a reason he couldn’t pinpoint until deducing it wasn’t sexual, but rather she didn’t enjoy him figuring something out about her that she didn’t know of herself. He found when this happened to him, it threatened vulnerability, and he figured Áine didn’t like being vulnerable.

“Áine”—he strained as her grip turned to concentrated rubbing that made him unbuckle himself, and take himself out without any care for the exposure—“you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. But you also know that to be true. Youlikepeople to know.”

She gripped him, her fingers smoothing over skin. “Oh, I do, do I?”

“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s actually a very”—his eyes peered down to her hands for implication—“verysexy thing!”

“Oh fuck. I am a rhetorician, aren’t I! Although I don’t think the Greeks themselves would opt for this view. Shaping politics and all that.” She nibbled the cusp of his ear, as her hand moved faster, warming him, and pulsing him.

He clenched his eyes as his attempt to pick the conversational side grew weaker. “And how would you know the current climate of international politics in a country where I’m guessing you don’t speak the language?” He wasn’t guessing when the only two languages offered in school were German and French. He studying the former, and her the latter.

Áine leaned back from him, letting him go to plant her hands on the desk behind her back to maintain leverage. But her gaze remained firm on his erection, having her lick her lips before saying, “I went home with a Greek guy a couple of months back. He was over on his holidays. Beautiful man he was. Very passionate and hairy and political. I learn a lot through the virtue of riding tourists, would you believe?”

Fionn didn’t feel challenged or jealous at the idea of her being with another man. If anything, he liked it and how imagining them together made him harder. How she could see that was the case.

“What else did you learn from these endeavours?” he asked, willing more of the seductive fantasy out of her.

“Many things,” Áine said. “Things that make me loud.” She came close then so that their cheeks brushed as she grabbed him again. “Things that make me quiet,” she whispered into his mouth. “Things that make the wordpleaseroll off my tongue for how pleasurable their hands make me.”

The heat returned to Fionn’s navel. He couldn’t hold off any longer.

“Show me,” he told her, free hand squeezing hers to make it clear heneededit. Needed more than this.

“Ah, say please, Fionn,” she teased, like his getting to touch her was the gift and not the other way around.

He propped one leg back to give him leverage as he leaned into her, more animalistic than human. “Please, Áine. Show me.”

Her agreeing body arched her shoulder in a way that drew her neck up to him, and danced the ends of her curls along the desk.

Fionn held the side of her neck to stabilise his kiss on the other, right on its heavy pulse.

A faint shiver currented through her breath, a quiet plea in it.
