Page 1 of Devil's Sweetheart

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The backroads leading to the vineyard are silent, minus the breeze that echoes through the leaves of the trees. The roads are covered completely in snow and ice, the sides of the dirt road almost piled as tall as me.

It’s later than I’d like it to be, but we all know the saying ‘duty calls’. A known client decided to stop by late in the afternoon, and the VP of Sales here at the Vineyard, Viviana, asked that I stay back and assist. Something about my innocent face and ability to charm older men.

Right after she asked me, I took a bathroom break to text Scout. He’s usually the one that gets me to and from work. After about ten minutes, there still wasn’t a response. Looking at his location, I completely forgot that he was covering a late night shift tonight at Rusty’s Dive Bar. The little joint is slowly transforming from a mom and pop dive bar to another classic chic location.

It’s just after midnight, and I still don’t have a response. It’s a Friday night which so happens to be the weekend before Valentine's day. Hopefully he’s making good tips off the single college girls around town. That man has abs for days and I’ve debated on wrecking our friendship just to be able to lick them myself.

Bad news is that I’m going to have to walk several miles through the woods in pitch darkness to get into town, which is the only way to get to Rusty’s. Living in the bum fuck boonies of Gideon Lake. Buses don’t even run this late, and there aren’t any available Ubers near me. If I paid for an Uber out here, it’d be an arm and a leg. So, I either walk to the bar and be miserable or I call Scout and be an inconvenience. In an awkward debate between me, myself, and I, we all agree to not bother Scout.

Exercise is always good for the heart and body. Just thinking about calling him for a ride gives me freaking heart palpitations. Honestly, it’s worse than a bad orgasm. In an awkward debate between me, myself, and I, we all agree to not bother Scout. Exercise is always good for the heart and body. Just thinking about calling him for a ride gives me freaking heart palpitations. Honestly, it’s worse than a bad orgasm.

The longer I walk, the more time my brain has to conjure up scenarios of torment. It wasn’t too long ago that something of mine was taken away from me without permission in a situation much like this one…

“Stop it,” I croak to myself. “You don’t need others, put your damn big girl panties on.” Even as I try to give myself a pep-talk, all I can think about is the thingshedid to me. The shroud of darkness feels near suffocating. And when a car hornbeepsat me, I damn near jump out of my skin.

“Birdie?” Sofia shouts, leaning over Massimo in the driver’s seat. A tight lipped smile extends on my cheeks, an awkward wave in salute.

“Yup, that’s me,” I chuckle oddly. Unsure of what to do with myself, I shove my hands back into my pockets and kick a rock.

“Oh gosh, girl! You aren’t freezing?” She exclaims loudly, shoving at Massimo to put the car in park. My mouth drops open, then slams closed. An action I repeat over and over again because I have no clue what’s going on.

“Uhm, no,” I draw out, more like a question. Rounding the car, she gathers me in her arms and ushers me to the car. I can’t do anything besides follow her lead. The stammering in my chest is back, the feeling of being an inconvenience suddenly overwhelming. “You don’t have to give me a ride, I’m not that far away.”

“Nonsense,” Massimo booms, cutting me off. “I’ve seen your apartment. Not only do you live nearly twenty miles out, but it’s almost freezing outside. Get in the car.” My muscles snap into action as I push forward to get into the vehicle. Like a damn control switch flicked, I can’tnotdo what he’s telling me.

Shutting the door softly behind me, Sofia rounds back to the passenger seat. “Why didn’t you tell us you didn’t have a ride?” She asks, obviously annoyed but concerned.

“Oh, well, I didn’t-it wasn’t-Scout was-,” I stumble over myself trying to come up with a valid reason as to why I was walking.

“Birdie.” Our eyes snap to Massimo, who meets mine through the mirror. “You act as if we aren’t familiar with you. The terror you felt? I saw it bleeding from your eyes. Weknowyou. Remember that.” Putting the car in drive, the rest of our journey is utterly silent.

He’s not wrong though. It was the talk of the town for a while that I pursued charges againsthim.If it weren’t for Scout…

Shaking my head, I don’t really want to think about that. Street lights suddenly come into view, then they’re whizzing by. There’s no real point in trying to focus on the things around me when Scout plagues most of my thoughts. Whether they’re good thoughts about how badly I want to kiss him, or ones about how he saved me from myself, they just seem to drift back to him.

Three years ago, I’d imagined saving myself for marriage. My husband was going to be the person to have me in my entirety. Not because of religion, just that I wanted to be able to give my life partner the best gift of all. Then, it was taken from me. Ripped out of my hands by a stranger with a vendetta against the man I’ve had a crush on for almost my whole life.

Weirdly, I’ve planned Scout and I’s wedding since the beginning. Then, after everything happened, I decided that being solo is better than having someone take something you’ve dreamed of away from you. I never want to experience that dread again.

“Birdie, we’re here,” Sofia calls, bursting me out of my bubble.

“Oh,” I mumble, the street lights no longer moving as we pull up outside Scout and I’s complex. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” She reaches backward and gives my hand an almost motherly squeeze. There’s not a huge age difference between us, maybe only six or seven years, but it’s reassuring nonetheless.

“You know we’re here for you.” Pulling her hand away, Massimo gets out of the car and opens the door for me. A slight blush creeps over my cheeks at the chivalry. It’s a dying breed, but not for men who were raised in blood shed.

“Call if you need anything.” They wait until I get to my front door and unlock it before driving away. Darkness shrouds over me once more as I step into the entryway. Leaving the lights off, I toe off my shoes and head straight for our room. My body drags with me as exhaustion sets in.

Showering be damned, I’m going to bed.


Rusty’s is booming with folks of all ages. The cranky regulars bitch about the music playing on the jukebox while the college crowd spins around rhythmically. Grabbing the wash rag, I wipe away the small liquid droplets and place the finger full of whiskey in front of Paul.

“Man, you know these kids just keep getting sluttier and sluttier,” he grunts, bringing the drink to his lips and slamming it back. I can’t help but laugh. My phone rings in my pocket. Drying my hands, I pull it out and catch an unknown number. I mute the device and place it on the counter.

“You not going to get that?” Dennis grunts, sloshing his own tumbler as the device buzzes loudly. The same unknown number flashes across my screen before disappearing. Seconds later, it pops back up. Sighing heavily, I grab it and make my way outside.
