Page 3 of Devil's Sweetheart

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Her bosses assured she’d gotten home safely. They confirmed that they dropped her off at our apartment in Gideon Lake.

Heart constricting tightly, I hastily get into my car and zoom back to the house. Traffic is light at this time, but getting stopped by a Stater is the last thing I want to do. So, I weave through the backroads until our janky complex comes into view.

Taking the stairs two at a time, my hands shake harshly, I round the corner and stop dead in my tracks. The door’s slightly ajar.


“You’re such a naughty girl,” he grunts, moving my hair aside and gripping my neck tightly. Harsh bricks scrape into my cheek, the tip of my nose barely touches the rough wall. His one hand holds both of mine hostage, not letting up even while I struggle to regain control over myself.

“Get off me,” I squeak through the pressure. A whimper makes its way through my tightly clenched throat. His breath is rancid against my face, almost like his mouth is rotting.

“You were wearing this short, short scrap of material. Weren’t you just asking for it?”

“Birdie!” A voice shouts, body getting violently shaken. On instinct, I swing out. The person grabs my wrist, pulling me into them. Thrashing, I can’t let him get me again.

“It’s okay, baby bird,” the masculine voice mutters. Those four words and the scent of pine are all it takes for me to crumble against him.

“I’m sorry.” He continues to shush me as tears trail down my cheeks. Slowly dragging my hands between us, I ball his shirt in my fists.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry for not being there for you tonight.” The watery giggle comes out of me before I can stop it.

“Oh, Scout,” I sniffle, “you have nothing to apologize for either.” He pulls away from me a bit, flicking between my eyes.

“If I’d have been here, you wouldn’t have these nightmares,” he counters, petting my hair gently. His fingers run through the knotted ends, untangling them gently.

“You can’t save me from everything.” When I first started having nightmares, I tried my best to hide them from everyone. I was too embarrassed and ashamed of myself to tell anyone what happened, let alone that my brain was forcing me to remember all of it.

Then, something just…clicked. We accidentally fell asleep on the couch watching movies one night. He’d gone up to bed, and I stayed on the sofa with a blanket draped over me. According to him, I woke up kicking and screaming my lungs out abouthim. Scout found me, scooped me into his arms, and my whimpering sleepy self admitted everything to him. I don’t even remember it happening, that’s how disoriented I was.

He convinced me to go back upstairs and cuddle it out. It’s what we would do if we were having a hard time, that’s what best friends would do for each other. That night, I didn’t have a single nightmare. The next night, again, nothing. It was at that time we both realized that I felt more than safe with him.

This is the second time I’ve had to sleep without him.

“I sure as hell can try.” His eyes shone with need, one that I’m not sure I’m reading right. “You have to know what you mean to me, baby bird,” he whispers, leaning his forehead against mine. My eyes flutter closed on their own accord, happiness squeezing my heart.

“I don’t…” I honestly don’t know what to say.

“Do you not feel this?” He mutters, leaning his forehead against mine. I’m really just…stunned. “If you don’t, just saysomething. Anything. Tell me it’s not what I think it is.”

For some fucked up reason…I can’t tell him no. It’s not because Ican’t.

I don’t want to.

“Please,” I whisper, tilting my chin ever so slightly to reach him. I know exactly what I’m asking for. Without further hesitation, he slants his plush lips over mine. The unsettled piece of my heart seems to click into place as he devours me whole. I’ll admit the mountain man in front of me doesn’t scare me. If anything, he seems to push my wildest dreams further than they’ve ever gone. Like this one. My late-night rendezvous of touching myself to his wicked smirk blossoms in front of my eyes.

Hands roam over one another, clothes gripped and yanked as we frantically try to undress each other. My shirt is the first thing to come off, catching him off guard when I’m not wearing a bra.

“Wait,” he breathes and jerks himself backward, almost as if I burned him. “Wait.” Running his long fingers through his thick hair, my heart hammers against my chest, threatening to jump straight into my throat.

“I-I’m sorry.” I swallow thickly as I try to come to terms with the rejection. Being honest with myself, I’m not nearly in the same league as him. He’s got the whole dark and broody thing going for him, while I’m just…well, me. Where he’s pure muscle, I’m soft. My stomach isn’t toned, my ass and thighs jiggle as I walk and show hints of cellulite. I’ve got small stretch scars on my butt where I grew into myself too fast. While I’ve tried everything I can to lose weight, it’s just not coming off without medical help.

He huffs a mirthless laugh, shaking his head harshly. “Baby bird, it’s not you.” He plops onto the bed, dropping his head into his hands. “I didn’t mean to throw myself at you.I’msorry.”

I can’t help the ridiculous laugh that bursts out of me. I decide to throw caution to the wind. If that’s not an admission of attraction, then either I’m fucking dumb or that’s the sign I need. “You’re an utter idiot,” I giggle, throwing myself back into his arms. “I just want these nightmares to go away.”

Lips land, teeth clatter, hands roam. I swear he evengrowlswhen his hands grasp my ass and kneed. Yanking his mouth away, he uses his nose to shove my head to the side and kiss down my neck. He sucks the skin under my ear, moving until he hitsthespot. Grinding down on his covered cock, the friction is perfect. I could cum just like this.

“You don’t know the things I’d do to you,” he growls, biting my flesh harshly. One hand tangles into my hair at the base of my skull and yanks backward, jerking my head. “You’d look beautiful tied up in knots, begging to cum on my tongue, on my fingers, on my cock.”
