Page 15 of ForNever Mine

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We make our way to the table to find an extra place setting next to mine. I glance around the room to find the culprit, but when my eyes land on my mother, she’s smirking at me. My dad’s voice draws my attention to him. “Have a seat, son,” he tells Axl. “They just announced supper.”

I can’t help my grimace. Of course my parents had to make this awkward. Axl pulls out my chair for me, then takes his own seat next to me.

As I look over at my brother and his new husband, I try to not tear up. Axl senses my emotional mask falling and takes my hand as he leans in to whisper, “It’s ok to be happy once in a while.” I chuckle with a nod. He brings our joined hands to his lips before setting them back into my lap. I ignore my mother’s coo next to me at Axl’s sweet gesture; I don’t want her reading too much into it, especially since I am.

While the new dynamic between Axl and I is new, it’s comfortable, unlike Tristan and Myles who borderline disgustingly in love with each other. While I’m not looking to board the love train with Axl quite yet, there’s no reason I can’t tear down the wall a couple of bricks to let it happen if it’s meant to.

Dinner is served and I receive a vegan plate. Looking over at the mouth-watering steak my parents were served, I debate complaining that I received the wrong one. The moment Axl’s is set in front of him, he lifts mine and swaps our plates.

“Oh, you don’t have to—”

“We both know they’d fuck it up,” he whispers. I can’t help but chuckle, thinking back to the dozens of banquets I helped out with and the equally cranky guests who received the wrong plate. “You need your energy for what I have planned. A glorified salad isn't going to cut it.”

I smother a smile and kiss him on the cheek. “As long as your noble efforts are actually selfish, I’ll allow it.”

The chatter at the table keeps my mind off Axl’s hand on my thigh. Every few minutes, his fingers inch higher, making me incredibly impatient for the inevitable fuckfest we’ll have tonight. Once the tables are cleared, the DJ announces the first dance. Tris and Myles take the dance floor and the lovey-dovey emotions Ihad stuffed down resurface. Watching the two of them is like reading one of my favourite romance novels—they are made for each other. The laughs they share, the sweet off-beat swaying, the way my brother looks at Myles as if he’s his whole world…

Caught up in the moment, I’m startled when the DJ asks everyone to join the happy couple on the dance floor. I continue watching but my view is blocked when Axl stands expectantly in front of me, offering his hand. “Come on, let’s show them how it’s done.”

“And get kicked out of a wedding? No thanks,” I tease.

“If you don’t get your sweet ass out of that seat, I’ll give you a lap dance in front of your family.”

My eyes widen. “You wouldn’t dare.” He loosens his tie and begins to lower himself to straddle me. “Ok, ok! You win.”

Axl steps back, takes my hand, and leads me to the dance floor. It’s a sentimental, slow song.Maybe I should’ve stuck with the lap dance after all?When the song ends, he dips me and I can’t help the hearty laugh that escapes me as he kisses my throat. He’s ridiculous, and fun, and sweet, and everything I don’t deserve. But he’s mine.

For the rest of the evening, I dance with my dad, Myles, Tristan, Axl, and even Sammy-boy, the delivery driver I have to thank for dropping off the 5-gallon bucket of lube Myles discarded. Samuel’s girl is at some book convention with her best friend.

The jealousy I have for Jules and her friend, Liv, being in Seattle to meet some of my favorite authors, has resurfaced… Until Axl drags me off the dance floor in the middle of the boutonniere toss. Though, I’m grateful that Tristan listened tome, and he’s not tossing a hockey puck into the crowd to the single men and women.

Axl pulls me close and his breath tickles my ear as he whispers, “You’re not next, baby. You may be mine, but we have all the time in the world before you’re ready to settle down. Let them fight over the flowers. We have unfinished business.”

“Wanna get out of here?”

“You can stay and meet me at home… I mean, my place. I need to stop at the store first.”

I frown and pull back to meet his eyes. “It’s ok, I’ll go with you. Give me five minutes to say goodbye to everyone and we can leave.”

“Are you sure?”

I kiss his cheek. “Positive.”


?. . .?

The Grocery Store

Keeping Beth’s hand in mine, we wander the grocery store to pick up essentials on the way home from the wedding. I haven’t been shopping in a week and I know damn well the pantry and fridge are empty. As much as I’d love to, I can’t live off eating pussy and don’t want a single excuse to leave the apartment until I need to leave for work.

“The shelves are practically bare,” she comments.

“Football tomorrow. Snack options will be limited,” I explain. There won’t be a single bag of chips or dip available. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of produce and enough chicken and beef that I can figure out some sort of dinner for us tomorrow night.

Her heels clack on the hard floors down each of the aisles and as we’re picking out the largest apples in the bin, I tear off a couple extra bags, stuffing them in my pocket.

Last summer, I picked up shifts here once or twice a week. Ever since Beth and I started hooking up, I’ve been fantasisingabout fucking her here. My girl is up for anything and the bread product aisle is the only one that doesn’t have cameras.
