Page 17 of ForNever Mine

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“Mine or yours?”

I don’t dare say ‘ours,’ but if I have any say in it, she won’t be leaving my bed any time soon.


?. . .?

February 14th

Since my brother’s wedding, Axl and I haven’t spent more than a few hours apart. Going from zero to sixty isn’t ideal for a new relationship, but with him it feels right. It’s as if I’ve been floating around in the atmosphere and he’s pulled me back down to earth. While I was fine with just being friends who fuck, being his girlfriend is easy. He wanted more all this time and I should’ve given in back in December.

There are two weddings today, making it a long day for us. The deal I made with Mr. Jamie’s Lodge was worth it; I get to spend Valentine’s Day with Axl. Though the ceremony is beautiful was beautiful, the reception can’t be over soon enough for my taste. It’s too… pink. Pink on top of pink. It’s barely noon, too early to sneak a drink of my own. I checked the reset for tonight’s wedding and it’s more of the same. I inwardly groan; I can’t wait to go home with Ax and pretend that Valentine’s Day doesn’t exist. A good pegging should do the trick.

As I’m pouring the eight hundredth drink of the morning, a very drunk blonde approaches, asking for another. I think thismight need to be her last one. I’ve had to cut off entirely too many people for a morning wedding. While I can understand getting brunch-mimosa drunk, these people are fucking sloppy.

I nod to her to acknowledge she needs to get tanked as much as I do at this point, and prepare her drink. Thankfully, there are no personalized cocktails at this one, and I’m mostly pouring wine, preparing the occasional well drinks, or cracking open bottles of beer. At least they’re tipping well, for the most part.

After a few sips, an eager but very attractive groomsman approaches the blonde. Though she’s playing hard to get, their flirting is undeniable. Either he’s her date or she’s just incredibly lucky to snag the hot groomsman. My only concern is that she’s had quite a few drinks. She seems into him, or at least enough that I don’t need to intervene, yet.

A few minutes of prepping other drinks and listening in, their flirting has escalated. Someone is definitely getting laid this morning.

Enjoy your orgasms, girly! This man will devour you if you give him the green light. Face to pussy with that one.

I move my way down the bar to tend to other guests, taking mental note that I need to keep an eye on her and her suitor. They move onto the dance floor and…two suitors?Certainly unexpected. She’s sandwiched between two groomsmen and they’re dry-humping like they haven’t been laid in a year. I just hope she doesn’t have whisky clit and isn’t able to come.

The rest of the morning is a bit of rinse and repeat. I glance at the clock, anticipating my much needed break. The banquet captain has been missing for the last hour and, sohelp me, if he’s fucking someone in the linen closet instead of giving me my much needed break…

That’s it. I’m pouring water instead of vodka for the rest of the day.

The DJ has starts playing more upbeat music, causing guests to crowd the dance floor. The bar is slowing down a bit and the other two bartenders are able to pick up my slack for me to take a brief break from the painted-on smile I’ve had all morning.

I brace myself on the counter opposite the bar and blow out a long breath. I don’t know how I’m going to get through a second wedding tonight. As I am about to start polishing glasses, a familiar arm wraps around me, hand splaying across my stomach and pulling me to him.

“You doing ok?” Axl purrs, kissing my neck. It’s discrete enough that no one should notice, but heat still pools in my belly wanting him to take things further.

“Yeah, just can’t wait for us to get home—leave. I can’t wait to leave.” Though, Axl’s apartment has absolutely been my home this past week, it’s not mine.

He chuckles at my slip up and says, “Looks like they’re having fun.”

I meet his eyes in the mirror and he gestures with a nod to our left. I follow his line of sight to find the throuple nearly fucking on the dance floor.

“Yeah, I saw them earlier,” I laugh.

“No… I mean, yeah, they need to get a room. I meant those two.” He nods again and…

Oh. My. Fucking. Clit Gods. Our banquet captain is indeed getting laid, just not in a linen closet. “The dance floor trio is hotter,” I jest. I watch the trio as she grinds her pussy on his leg, while the other man fondles her breast with his dick pressed against her ass.

For fuck’s sake. Is everyone getting laid at this wedding today?

Axl teases me with his finger dipping an inch into my waistband. “I think you can do better.”

“Better? She’s nearly fucking two dudes on the dance floor. And our banquet captain is…oh shit. She’s going to come, but—” I gasp as Axl’s hand slips into my pants. I glance to the other bartenders who are thankfully still preoccupied. “Ax, you’re going to get fired!”

“Worth it,” he chuckles, circling my clit.

“Someone’s going to see us.”

“Let them.” Axl moves receipts with his free hand as if he’s examining my till. “Everyone else is having fun, why shouldn’t we?You come before they do, understood.” I nod and he dips two fingers inside me, making me whimper. “Shh. If you keep that up, I’ll bend you over and take you right here.”
