Page 25 of Deacon

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"It should be. Why can't we be more like men? Go to bed, get rid of the stress and frustrations, and be done with it? The morning after, we can politely go and be done with it. When we happen upon each other, we can be civil, and if we want to hook up again, no big."

"Then we would be people without emotions."

"Emotions suck, and kick you right in the ass."

"Someone should write a book about that. Women being men when it comes to sex."

Angeline laughed sultrily. "Like I said, I am always thinking about work. What time is this deal?"

"Eight. I am giving you enough time to get ready. I know how much of a diva you are."

"I will be there early. See you later."

She had barely hung up from her when David called.

"You were supposed to call me."

"Good day to you, too."

"Cut the crap, Del; you were distraught last night about losing your job. I told you to call as soon as you heard anything."

"I am sorry, honey; I have been caught up."

"I am assuming you still have a job?"

"I have not heard anything, and I confronted Jerry in his office, and Deacon Manchester has not called him. So, I am assuming I am safe. Or he is just trying to drive me crazy by simply waiting until days after to spring the news on me."

"Or you are safe, and he admires you being blunt with him."

"Anyway, I am going to this gallery showing tonight with the girls; I had forgotten about it." A sudden thought popped into her head. "You could come and take Lori with you."

"To waste several hours staring at paintings I cannot make head or tail of? No thanks."

"Your wife appreciates that sort of thing; she has culture, even if you don't." She told him teasingly.

"I happen to have culture; it's just that I am a simple man. And this might get her out of her funk."

"The surrogacy thing not working?"

"It's slow going. We signed up with several agencies, and it's a damn waiting game. So, I am willing to sacrifice my time and peace of mind for love."

"For me or her?"

"Both. What time?"

"Eight, and you have to wear something formal." She waited for the explosion and was not disappointed.

"To look at some damn paintings?"

"There will be a lot of big wigs there-"

"I don't give a crap. I am a cop, not some damn social butterfly."

"I believe that term is reserved for the female of the species."

"Don't make me hurt you."

"You are across town."
